Chapter 10: Heart-wrenching

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Back at home, I sat on my bed, feeling an odd mix of emotions while glancing at Ivor's sweater. It wasn't an overpowering sadness, but rather a sense of disloyalty towards Zaid, even though we weren't officially together, and he might have feelings for someone else.

But I still felt odd about this.

I kept the sweater on, initially thinking it was a simple black piece. But it kinda looked custom-made, high-quality, with Ivor's name on the chest, carrying his distinct scent. He seemed like a rich guy.

Was I supposed to give this back, though? I don't know.

Regardless of whether I was supposed give it back, I was gonna give it back, this was not the sweater my heart wanted.
I wanted Zaid's.
Only Zaid's.

Retrieving my phone to text Aneira about me and Ivor, I realized it was dead. Plugging it in, I found notifications waiting, including three calls from Zaid right after school. Guilt washed over me.

My heart picked up speed.

Why did he call me?

Why 3 times?


Just why?

Calling him back yielded no response. Another attempt, and he answered with a sigh, sounding quite fed up. "Why did you call?" I inquired, sensing the tension. He downplayed it as unimportant, but when I probed about the three calls, he became defensive, emitting a forced chuckle.

"Where are you?" I asked, concerned.


"Where outside? You sound upset—did something happen?"

"Just outside. Angry? Me?" He chuckled, but it was strained.

"Zaid, where are you?" I pressed, my tone more serious.

"The park."

"Which one?"

"The one near your house, where we used to hang out."

"Okay, I'm coming."


"Because I want to. Just stay there."

I hung up, rushed downstairs, put on my shoes, and ran to the park, genuinely worried about Zaid. He sounded off—flat, sad, angry—not like his usual self. Did something happen with Jamilah? Was there an argument with his parents? Did Jamilah reject him?

Too many thoughts, too many scenarios in my mind.

Reaching the park, I found him seated on a swing. I sat down on the swing next to him.

"Hey," he greeted, his eyes shifting to my torso.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Ivor?" He asked, his gaze fixed on the sweater I was wearing.

I nodded, wanting to convey that I wasn't into him, that I wasn't jealous of Jamilah.

"Since when are you two a thing?" he inquired, a frown forming on his face.

"None of your business," I retorted, attempting a chuckle that fell flat.

He looked away, sighing.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hanging out with MY friend tonight?" He inquired. "I deserve to know."

"It was a spontaneous plan, I swear— I was gonna tell y—"I began, but he cut me off.

"Okay, whatever. I don't care."

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