Chapter 12

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Two days later when it was concert day, Jungkook's ear infection had mostly cleared. He still needed to use his medicine another couple of days, much to the toddler's despair. At first the eardrops must have hurt his infected ear, but that wasn't the cause anymore. The kid just hated to be held tightly when Seokjin or one of his other hyungs forced him to take the medicine multiple times a day. But it was needed for his health, so they ignored Jungkook's crocodile tears and spoiled him rotten with snacks and hugs afterwards.

"Oh shush Kookie, it's over" Seokjin whispered while bouncing his baby brother in his arms. The sobbing sounds where still heard, but no tears were seen anymore and that's when they knew that Jungkook was crying for attention. Normally they would take turns to console the baby, but since their concert was going to start in half an hour, they needed to get him happy and comfortable as soon as possible so Jungkook was being passed to his brother.

"Who is my bravest little brother?" the oldest member asked as he gently pushed Jungkook away from his neck. The toddler sniffled as he blinked at his brother a couple of times with his big brown eyes.


"Yes Kookie, you are!"

"Me!!" Jungkook said again and clapped his hands. The toddler had already forgotten why he was crying in the first place and started to squirm in Seokjin's arms. The older one put him on the ground and watched fondly how he toddled across the dressing room. But the precious moment was being cut short when stylists and make-up artists gathered around him and pushed him towards a corner of the room.

"10 minutes left!"

Seokjin widened his eyes. He thought he was sitting for only 5 minutes while his make-up was being done and someone was putting the final touches on his outfit, but like always, time passed by very fast when it was concert night. He tried to turn around to find Jungkook to make sure that his brother was alright, but his head was forced back when the make-up artist wasn't done yet.

"Jungkook?" he asked to the staff members around him. A male looked around the room, but left a few seconds later after telling him that he would be right back.

"Kook, look how handsome your brother is!" Sejin's voice was heard him moments later and when Seokjin turned around, he smiled when he saw Jungkook being carried by their manager. The toddler looked happy, but had only eyes for his dinosaur plush. Someone had dressed the animal with jewelry so the shiny objects won over his actual brother who was sitting right before him.

"Ah did you dress Mochi for the concert, Jungkook? He looks so cool!" Seokjin said and grabbed one of Jungkook's hands to get his attention. But the boy just couldn't get his eyes of the shiny golden bracelet that was wrapped multiple times around the dinosaurs neck.

"Give your brother a kiss. He needs to go on stage right now" the manager tried as well and lowered them so Jungkook was at the same height as Seokjin. The older one sighed, but with a smile and kissed Jungkook's temple before he was being ushered out of his chair so he could change his pants.

"Go, he will be fine. He probably won't notice you're doing a concert" Sejin said as he looked fondly at the one in his arms. Everyone was immense relieved that the boys ear infection had cleared within a few days, because otherwise Jungkook would have caused a scene when Seokjin need to leave to go on stage. And the oldest member would have caused a scene as well, as he didn't want to be separated from his baby brother when he was sick.

"3 minutes!!!" someone called, and once again the members were guided towards the place they needed to be. It was chaotic like always, but everyone secretly loved the hectic moments before and during the concert. It made them feel alive and buzzing with endless energy to give their best during the performance. So without any complaints the six followed the instructions they were given and were excited to go on stage after months of preparation.

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