Chapter 17

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All toddlers were going through certain phases, and Jungkook was no different. Currently he was stuck in his 'no'-phase, much to everyone's despair, but the little one however seemed to enjoy every minute over it.

"No" Jungkook giggled when Hoseok came closer with his toothbrush. He grabbed a soap bar from the counter he was sitting on and threw in on the ground with a happy squeak. Usually the cute sounds he made, made everyone around him coo in awe and smother him with countless hugs and kisses, but Jungkook was getting on their nerves. Like for real.

Yoongi, who had the least amount of patience out of the six, had simply announced that he went to bed early (which he never does) so he didn't have to deal with Jungkook anymore today. The toddler had been a struggle all day, starting when he woke up. He refused to put on his shoes, then giggled when he almost kick Yoongi and Namjoon who tried to put his socks on while his tiny legs were moving around restless in the air. Tae and Jimin had paired up to get some food in the baby, but only managed to let him eat half of his tangerine and two spoons of yoghurt, while in the end the 95-liners were covered in food that Jungkook had thrown around. So more than often, Jungkook was being passed back to Seokjin and Sejin to let 'the adults' deal with the stubborn creature.

"Hyung open up" Hoseok said after knocking on the door of Sejin's hotel room while holding Jungkook in his other arm.

"Hoseok?" Sejin asked confused when he opened the door. It seemed like the manager had planned to go to bed early as well, since he was already in his pajamas and his hair was sticking in every direction. The tired eyes needed time to adjust to the bright lights coming from the corridor, before he saw the little human in Hoseok's arms.


"Yeah, I'm sorry but he just won't cooperate. I tried everything" the dancer explained with a heavy sigh and passed Jungkook to Sejin who welcomed the kid without any complains.

"I know. It's not your fault. Go to bed, I will take care of him" Sejin said as he looked at Jungkook "What did you do this time, little man?"

"I'm not little!" Jungkook said and started to squirm in his guardians arms because he wanted to put down on the ground "I'm almost twree!!" he shouted as he showed three of his fingers that were wet from saliva after sucking on them.

"Yes you are" the manager mumbled tiredly and turned to Hoseok one more time to wish him good night.


"Jungkook..." Seokjin sighed the following morning when he tried to give his brother a piece of apple. The toddler shook his head and turned around in his baby chair to look at a waitress that just passed by.

"Do you want some of my sandwich Jungkook? It's very nice!" Jimin tried as well and brought his sandwich closer to Jungkook's mouth, but the baby kept his mouth closed and ignored the people sitting around them. Deliberately ignoring them, since he knew very well what he was doing. The cheeky twinkle in his eyes, the occasion giggles that left his mouth and the way he was poking at his food, were all the signs that Jungkook loved being rebellious and perhaps also the attention that came along with that.

"Ah it's too bad that you're not hungry, because now I have to drink your banana milk" Jimin said, but once again nothing could be said to make an impression on Jungkook. They must admit that they were impressed how persisted the youngest one was. Every threat so far didn't seem to bother him and believe them, they had tried many things so far: they had threatened to kidnap his favorite plush, told him to go to bed early, put him in a corner, bribe him with food and toys.

Nothing, but absolutely -nothing- had done the trick so far and the 6 boys along with their manager were getting desperate for a solution to deal with the stubborn toddler. Speaking of the manager, Sejin looked like absolute hell this morning. There was a reason why he went to bed early last night, because he was exhausted after their hectic schedule from this week, but he had barely closed his eyes tonight because a certain person had kept him awake for a long time...

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