Chapter 20

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"Jungkookie, what would you like to eat? Fries? Hamburger? Chicken?" Hoseok asked from where he stood behind Seokjin so he could look at Jungkook's face who was still hiding behind his brother's broad shoulders.

The toddler's head shot up and looked around him with curious eyes. A big smile was forming on his face when he noticed they were currently at McDonald's and pointed at a poster that showed chicken nuggets


"Oh look! They have chicken nuggets in a happy meal! Should we get him that?" Taehung proposed when he scrolled through the menu on an order screen. At the same time Jungkook gasped and started to squirm in Seokjin's arms to let him know that he wanted to be put down on the ground. The older one did obey but kept holding on Jungkook's hand so he wouldn't run away.

"Jinnie look!!" Jungkook said as he tugged on Seokjin's hand. The older one let him lead the way and he quickly found out why. "Paw patwoool" Jungkook shouted happily as he pressed his face against the glass box where Paw Patrol figures were set on display. 7 little figures that could be collected from Happy meals and they completely won Jungkook's attention over.

"Omg aren't they cute!!" Jimin squealed from behind them. "Tae, get him a Happy meal" he shouted back

"No wait, let's all get Happy meals so Jungkook can get them all!" the 95- liner added.

"Jimin, Happy meals are for children" Sejin tried to intervene, but Taehyung and Jimin were suddenly deaf and already put 7 Happy meals in the chart. "Do you also want to eat something hyung?" they asked when they were done

The manager sighed and pinched the skin between his eyebrows "Just get me a coffee"

The group only had to wait for a couple of minutes before their food was ready and sat down at a big table in the corner of the restaurant. As expected, Jungkook immediately ripped his Happy meal box open and grabbed the Paw Patrol figure first. It was a dalmatian dog wearing a fire fighter suit, which was Jungkook's favorite from the series.

"Oh lucky you Kookie!!!" Hoseok said happily and looked inside his own box which one he got. A brown dog with a police suit, causing the dancer to coo and show it to the rest of the group "Look how cute! Gosh I wish I was a toddler again"

Soon all 7 dog figures were given to Jungkook who couldn't be more happy as he observed every figure while chewing on a chicken nugget in his other hand. The sight was immensely adorable and they were all very grateful that their youngest was in great spirits again. It would only be less than half an hour before they would board the plane, so after finishing their meals, they decided to go the lounge to they could wash their hands and Jungkook's Paw Patrol figures.


It appeared that Jungkook was an eye catcher when they flew on commercial flights. Not only did the other passengers look back at him more than once when they noticed the adorable face with his big brown eyes, but also the stewards couldn't help but give the tiny passenger their full attention.

"Would you like to draw?" a kind steward asked Jungkook when she offered the toddler a coloring book with pencils. The toddler immediately nodded and jumped forwards to accept the stuff from the lady, causing his Paw Patrol figures to fall on the ground.

"Kookie, be careful" Seokjin muttered as he bend down and grabbed the colorful dogs. He then thanked the steward for the book and pencils, and put the Paw Patrol figures down on his own table instead. The oldest watched with fond eyes how Jungkook had grabbed a random pencil and drag it across the paper with no mercy, while his energy levels still seemed to be sky high. Unlike himself though, since Seokjin was battling the fight to keep his eyes open and hold back another yawn that was threatening to leave his mouth. He was exhausted from getting up at an ungodly hour in the middle of the night and the chaos when they had arrived at the airport, so the only thing he wanted to do right now was lay back and close his eyes for a couple of hours.

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