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*TRIGGER WARNING: Abuse, blood, violence*

Chapter song: Tongue Tied - The Antlers

Chapter song: Tongue Tied - The Antlers

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Photo above: Katie's room.

My veins were pulsing, the pure adrenaline running throughout my body sent a flood of seratonin down my spine, I was oblivious to my surroundings, entirely in my own world as I chowed down on the flesh in my hands.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" my mother's blood curdled shriek brought me out of my trance. My pupils fully dilated as I my eyes darted up to meet her stance in front of me.

I stopped chewing, a sick chuckle coming out of me with my mouth full of what I desired most. I pulled my hands away from my mouth, blood dripping down my lips and onto my sister's now, lifeless body.

"My baby.. my poor baby" she crouched down, shoving me out of the way to take my sisters hand into her own, tears pouring down her pale, imperfect face.

I stared at her, swallowing, my words low and full of hatred. "Don't act like she didn't want this..." I chuckled, wiping the corners of my mouth with my thumb

"She got in the way" I smirked, my eyes glued to the hole in her chest as I pulled myself back up to crouch in front of my mother. My sister's lifeless body between us, taunting my brain to keep eating.

The frenzied trance was still coursing through my veins. Mentally I was screaming at myself to stop, to be a normal person but the rabid dog I grew to be was too powerful to overcome in certain situations.

My mother's gaze shot to me, both of us still crouched down to my sister's body. Her anger growing as she slapped me, the burn on my cheek immediately enveloped as my face jerked upon impact.

"You deserve this, not her, this is not-" she said through gritted teeth, her eyes drilled a hole into my own.

"Deserve what? You're an eater too Susan" I cut her off, leaning closer to her. "don't fucking give me that look, I know you've been holding back"

I swiped my tongue over my lip, tasting the sweet coppery blood, the frenzy slowly taking over my full consciousness again, "your sweet little daughter is sweet after all, come on Su-"

"Get out!, Get out now!" I was interrupted as my mother shoved me away from the lifeless corpse in our living room. Fury filling her drunken eyes, although she was more than drunk... probably doped up on whatever drug she chose this time. I scoffed, pushing myself off the floor. "whatever, I know you're going to dig in the second I walk out of this shit hole"

I watched as my mother turned her gaze back to my sister, her sobs filling the silent room. If I cared, a tear or two probably would've been shed. I used to hate seeing my mother cry.. after my father had died, it was heartbreaking. Now I can't even bother to show any emotion. The abuse, alcohol and drugs were enough to wipe away any pity I had left for her.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now