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"Please, if you see our daughter let us know. She went off last night to catch fireflies and we haven't seen her since. She's 11, her hair is dirty blonde, she was wearing a purple sweater and matching pants. Please just let us know if you see her"

I couldn't help but listen to the panicked mother as she walked to every campsite, reciting the same frantic words as if she recited them in her head a million times. We were silent in our tent, praying she wouldn't come to bother us.

I stared at Leon who was also listening, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes glued to mine. We could hear her footsteps approaching. Leon held up a finger to his lips and slowly shook his head, telling me- "Don't say a word, don't breathe, we aren't here."

My eyes were wide, heart pounding as the voice was right at our tent.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"


"Please.. someone must know."

The footsteps trailed away.

Leon's eyes shut, he let out a silent sigh as they opened again with a shake of his head. If you don't already know, we were the reason that mother couldn't find her daughter.

We spent hours walking around trying to find someone to eat. When we came across her.. we blacked out, next thing we knew, we were chucking her bones into the nearby lake, splashing ourselves with water to get rid of the blood.

I felt terrible but I wasn't hungry anymore.. So the guilt didn't bug me as much as it should have.

"Fuck we should've just kept walking.." Leon muttered. He raked a hand through his hair. I could tell he was beating himself up over what happened.

"It's not like we targeted her" I told him. Trying to calm the storm I felt was coming.

"No shit Aura.. but still. I don't kill innocent children." The sudden anger took my words away, I felt a sudden break in my heart from his tone of voice.

"Fuck.. I'm sorry." He shook his head again.

"It's fine.." I muttered, pulling my legs up to my chest to wrap my arms around them.

I know what we did was far from okay.. but did he know that? Was he just assuming I was okay with it? The thoughts repeated in my head.

Did he think I was okay with it?
Did he think I was okay with it?
Did he think I was okay with it?

"We need to be more careful, we're getting too comfortable with our surroundings." Leon said before he got up and exited the tent, leaving me in silence as I watched.

I didn't even have time to respond. I just sat there, my body heavy. This was my fault.. If only I had forced myself to fall asleep and wait until morning. I was so stupid to think we would find someone homeless or random late at night, especially in a camping park like this.. Families were everywhere, I doubt a homeless person would even think about setting up a camp here.

I could hear Leon pacing outside the tent, his footsteps crunching underneath of him. I fought the sudden paralyzation of my body and pushed myself to my feet.

I felt the nausea brimming to the surface the closer I got to the open door of the tent. I swallowed it down, trying to ignore the obvious hangover causing it. My head was pounding, my eyes were swollen and I probably had mascara everywhere.

I wrapped myself with my arms. Leon's t-shirt was big enough to cover the whole top part of my arms but it did no justice in keeping me warm. The morning air tickled my arms, causing goosebumps to rise. I looked around, finally seeing Leon a campsite away talking to.... cops. Fuck. The cops are here.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now