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"Will you fucking say something already?" I shot out, my head shooting to look over at Leon.

He rolled his eyes as he puffed on his cigarette. "Aura stop" He said, breathing out the toxic smoke as he kept his gaze on the road ahead of us.

I shook my head and sighed, letting my head fall back against the headrest. "I understand you're hungry and craving right now but you need to chill.." I sighed again, pulling a cigarette out of the pack resting on the dashboard.

Leon smacked the steering wheel, his head shooting over to look at me with anger. "You just don't fucking listen, do you?"

"Excuse me?" I spat back at him, giving him the angriest look I could muster up.

"Aura" He groaned, pursing his lips as he pulled off to the side of the road, almost slamming on the breaks. I watched as he turned to look at me, a look of defeat and anger on his face.

"I didn't want to say this but I guess I have to" He started. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, sighing deeply before he started again. "I could barely control myself in front of Katie, the urge.. the adrenaline pumping through me almost made me kill her"

My mouth gaped open a bit. I was shocked.. He has to be lying..

"Leon... you can't be-"

"I am Aura, and I'm a fucking asshole for it but you know I have trouble controlling this shit" He slammed his fist down on the steering wheel again, frustrated with himself.

"You need to fucking eat Leon.. before you do something stupid"

He looked at me with low eyes, annoyance filled the vibes of the truck, "Tell me about it" He whispered. The truck started moving again as we got back on the road, thank god he pulled over... With how angry he was, he probably would've drove straight into a tree, or worse, hit some random person on the road.

I sighed, closing my eyes as I let my head fall back again, "Just get out of this town... Katie's probably going to tell my mother I was here.."

He didn't respond, just pushed on the gas more, I could feel the speed of the truck growing as we sped out of this hell hole of a town.


It didn't take long before we found ourselves at another random town, similar to the one where I first saw him. It was slightly abandoned, only this time there were more people, drunks mostly. Bars were on every road, the houses were... decent, if you were being nice.

The sun was setting and the streetlights were already on when we parked in front of one of the houses. Leon didn't say a word as he got out of the truck, slamming the door behind him causing me to jump a little.

"Fucks sake" I muttered, hopping out of the truck. I grabbed our bags and followed him up the cracked concrete steps.

"We should be fine here" He muttered as he read the yellow paper plastered to the front door. 'EVICTED RESIDENCE'

"Watch out" I heard as he pushed me back, kicking the door open with one go. He stepped in, I followed behind as he glanced over his shoulder to make sure nobody was watching, like he even cared..

I threw the bags to the ground and plopped myself on the couch sat in the middle of the living room. Leon disappeared through a hallway as he searched the house, making sure nobody was camping out inside.

"We're good" I heard over my shoulder as he walked back in.

"Cool" I responded, making sure he heard the annoyance in my voice. If he was going to be an asshole, then I was going to be a bitch.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now