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Chapter Song: I'm With You (always) - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Chapter Song: I'm With You (always) - Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

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Photo Above: Leon's Aunts living room.

It was a long drive back to Ohio. I slept most of the way as Leon insisted on driving the whole way there without stopping. Stubborn ass..

We passed some towns, forests, the occasional farm here and there, but for the most part, we were on open roads, surrounded by nothing as we listened to music and the occasional podcast.

I was nervous about the possibility of meeting Leon's Aunt. I just don't like meeting family members... the last encounter I had was awkward and full of negative judgement which almost made me loose my temper. Focusing on the roads ahead of us sorta helped the anxiety die down but in all honesty, my heart was pounding.


It was almost 1 am when we finally pulled down a familiar road, my heart still racing the whole time as I took in the surroundings. Fuck.. this is my street.

"Leon..." I groaned, hesitancy in my voice.
His head shot over, "What? What did I do"

I looked around us through the truck's windows, "this... this is my neighborhood.. we're about to pass my house..." I sank down in my seat, my gaze turning to glare at him.

I watched as he spoke, eyes wider than he could open them. "oh fuck..." He said, looking for a turn. I huffed, "does your Aunt live around here?"

"Yeah she lives right around the corner.." He mumbled, I shot him a raised eyebrow.

"So you've been up the street this whole time?" He turned a corner and let out a soft chuckle, trying to lighten the situation.

"Uh.. sort of, I'm mostly on the road but I do visit occasionally, for maybe a day or two" He turned his gaze back to the road as we pulled into a long driveway, parking his truck behind the small house in front of us, complete darkness engulfed the area with only the truck's headlights shining to reveal the back door of the house.

"Come on, nobody's here" Leon said as he shut off the engine and got out. I followed behind, grabbing my duffle bag out of the trucks bed, my heart was heavy but slowing down.

As we entered the cute little house, I noticed it had an old 90's look, giving the living room a comforting atmosphere as we walked down a hallway. "This is where I usually crash" He said as he threw himself onto the bed, landing on his back with arms crossed behind his head.

"Hmm" I responded, taking in the view of his room. It was simple. White walls, white sheets, white everything besides the very few band posters on the wall and a collection of vinyls in the corner.

"Very plain" I said, looking to him. He sat up and shrugged, "I'm barely here so why decorate, besides, I have posters" He motioned to them, "that's enough for me"

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