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Start Song: interstellar. - pandora, chillwithme, cødy

-keep on replay for whole chapter-

The walk back down to our camp was silent. I couldn't help but drown myself in the negative thoughts taking over every moment from the top of the cliff, to now.

Deep down, that emptiness was slowly coming back. It fell back into the shadows during the day, whenever I was distracted by Leon but they always came back. They always come back...

"You okay?" Leon asked, our feet crunching the gravel beneath us as we took a slow stride past sleeping campsites and RV's.

"Huh? Oh.. yeah.." I kept my head down, my voice had a lingering sadness and I knew he heard it. I just didn't care.


"Stop.. it hurts to think about it.. just please-" I took a deep breath. "Please let's not talk about it.. at least not right now"

He intertwined his fingers in mine without a word. That's the one thing I've grown to like about Leon the most. No matter how upset, sad, angry, or even furious I was, stop meant stop. Maybe this would be a bad thing later on but for now, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed not having someone pressure me to talk about something that ripped me apart.

I went through too much of that when I was forced into therapy.


"Lots of kids your age deal with depression. Just think of yourself as a storm cloud. Every storm comes, but it always passes and the sun comes out to bring that ray of light."

I rolled my eyes, not once turning my gaze to the wrinkled up old man sitting across from me. I fucking hated this. I hated him. I hated every part of this room.

"Aura, I'm just trying to help." He mustered with a soft, calming voice. The voice you would hear from any textbook depression commercial.

"Help me?" I scoffed silently, enough for him to hear.

"Why don't you help the woman who's shooting up meth every fucking night. Why don't you help my sister who has tried killing herself 3 times just this week."

I sat up to meet his gaze, fury filling my eyes the way fires took over houses in seconds. "and you want to help me."

He nodded, clasping his hands together. "I understand they need help too, but I'm here for you. You know this."

I threw my hands up in defeat, slamming my back against the sofa with an audible sigh. Here we go again... Does this man ever listen to a word I said? So what, I'm depressed. Doesn't mean I'm going to off myself..

It was silent. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into my existence. I didn't turn my head, just flicked my eyes over to see if he was still staring. He was.

I sighed and relaxed my position on the couch. "Fine, yes I'm depressed. Isn't everyone? What makes a difference? I'm just here so you can make a paycheck."

"Aura, your mother and sister have both told me about what happens at home. How you never come out of your room. They worry about you. Don't you care about that?"

I did... but I also cared about not full on attacking my mother whenever things got bad.

"I do. But still. Nothing will change unless my mother changes herself first. Maybe then I wouldn't be depressed. Maybe then I wouldn't be begging my sister to stay alive all the time.

        - flashback ends-


I didn't even realize Leon was trying to get my attention. Somewhere in the middle of our walk I had stopped. I was just standing, staring, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm fine.." I mumbled, pushing myself to start walking only for Leon to grab my arm.

"Stop.." I bit my lip as I turned my body towards him, my head still down with my eyes glued to the gravel path.

"You can't keep telling me that you're fine when I know you aren't."

"I promise I'm okay.. sometimes everything just gets to be too much and I over think."

"I do too but you haven't said a word since that photo..."

My heart sank as the picture flashed over and over in my head. I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent more tears from falling.

"I miss her..." My eyes finally turned to meet his, I could feel my mascara coating my cheeks, feel the hot tear trails down to my jaw.

He pursed his lips and pulled me into him. I took in his warmth, his scent, his love..

"I know.."

We stood there for a moment, his arms wrapped around me tightly. I don't believe in god but for some reason... I do believe Leon was sent from somewhere to save me. It's like we were meant to meet, meant to fall for each other...

Or maybe I'm just delusional..


Leon had fallen asleep almost right when we settled into our tent. My feet ached from the walk and the alcohol was still lingering, leaving a slight buzz to fog the positive thoughts.

I sat silently, my back propped up against the wall of the tent. Sometimes I wondered if I would turn into my mom.. Hiding from the world, shooting up, snorting any pill, powder, whatever came in my path. Stumbling around in a parallel universe only I could see.

I wonder how she felt, probably free, maybe not. If the high was that good, it made sense as to why she never had the urge to eat. The only time she did was when her dealer was out or she had run out of funds to fuel her addiction.

I sighed to myself. Ridiculous.. I never understood drug addiction, but my addiction to tearing human flesh apart wasn't too far off the charts if you tried to compare drug addiction to the basic human needs.

People... eaters.. don't need drugs. They need to eat. Just like I do..

I swallowed down the drool starting to pool in my mouth. Fuck.. It had been awhile since Leon and I's last frenzy feast. I wonder if Leon would wake up if I snuck out. Was it the best idea? Definitely not but sitting here thinking about eating was already driving me insane, that and not being able to sleep.

Fuck.. I can't just walk out alone in the middle of the night..

"Leon" I whispered, nudging his shoulder. Nothing.

"Leon" I whispered again, this time closer to his ear. He mustered up a hum as he slowly turned over, his eyes squinting up at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, barely audible as he pushed himself up out of his slumber. He rubbed his eyes, awaiting my answer.

"I'm starving.. I can't sleep.. I don't want to wait until morning. Can we please..."

He interrupted me. "I know exactly where to go." He said.

Here we go. Making our way to take another innocent life to feed the monsters trapped inside of us.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now