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Life immediately felt different the second we crossed the state line into Washington. Trees were everywhere. You could easily get lost out here, and I didn't mind that.

The air was dense and smelled of the wet earth, fog was heavy in the atmosphere, making the whole scene look like a dream.

We were all in awe at the beauty of the state, our mouths slightly open, our eye glued to the road ahead. It was truly a movie scene come true. We drove like this for a couple more hours, then found a cute, family owned RV trailer park. There was nobody there.

"You think it's abandoned?" Tommy asked, his eyes scanning over the building growing closer as we neared it.

"Probably, if not, I can bet whoever owns it will be happy to have a customer" Leon ushered Tommy to find somewhere to park.

He settled for a little caved out portion of the forest. Big enough for the bus and for us to have a nice little area to ourselves.

We took our time setting up the area around us. We laid out rugs Tommy kept stored in the back under the bed, we hung up string lights, set up a large canopy over the bus door, and made our own little home for ourselves. We even had an inflatable couch that Tommy bought, yet never opened from long ago.

We felt accomplished, breathing heavily as we all gazed over our little set up.

"I guess this is it" Leon chuckled softly, "Let's try and stay here for as long as possible. No games."


"Yeah for real"

"Looking at the GPS on my phone, we're not too far from gas stations and a grocery store, we could easily walk." Katie motioned to her phone, showing us the scatter of buildings surrounding us.

You would have never seen them with the naked eye due to the denseness of the forest.

"Sweet, we can go grab some things?" Tommy stood up. The couch wobbled underneath the missing weight. Brushing off his pants, he held out a hand to Katie.

She smiled, took his hand, standing up. "We'll be back."

Leon tipped his head, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do"

"Don't tempt me dude" Tommy spat back, throwing a middle finger over his shoulder as we watched the two disappear into the forest.

I turned my body, flattening out my legs so they were over Leon's. His hand was warm on my ankle as he squeezed it a bit. I watched his eyes scan the area around us, flicking up at the trees, down to the rugs beneath us, and then to me.

I gave him a soft, upside down smile. I could feel my small dimples caving in my cheek. His head fell back, bouncing slightly against the inflated fabric, he let out a long, content sigh.

"I'm tired of running" He breathed.


"Yeah.. you never realize it until you think about why you couldn't stay in the first place."

It hit me. He was right. We were running, even if we didn't do any harm... that wasn't intended...

"Shit..." Now it was my turn to take it in.

"Do you think this will last?" I looked up through my eyelashes, keeping my head lowered as I toyed with a ring on my finger.

I felt him shrug, "You can never say, but we can hope"

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now