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I slept the whole way to Iowa. Occasionally, Tommy or Leon would wake me up with how loud they were being, causing me to yell at them to shut up, after that, I was back out again.

I was fucking exhausted from the constant state to state running. I just wanted to stay in one place, if it was this bus, I don't care. It's somewhere I don't have to eventually miss, like my own damn bedroom for example..

We were nearing the meet up spot so I texted Katie. She was there waiting, a friend of hers dropped her off.


I barely gave Tommy time to park the bus as I bolted through the door, pretty much jumping on Katie when I saw her.

"You stupid bitch, you're coming with us" My voice cracked, I was stupid happy right now. Happy enough to cry like a child at Disney World.

"Finally, I'm sick of doing nothing all day" She rolled her eyes, lighting a cigarette. She took a puff and handed it over to me. I watched her turn an eye over my shoulder. The boys were exiting the bus in laughter, making their way towards us.

"What's up Katie" Leon said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, plucking the cigarette from my lips mid puff.

"Hey Leon, sorry about last time" She started, I could tell she was being sincere.

"Don't even mention it, we're going to be stuck together so we might as well bury the hatchet now" He joked, it was soothing to hear him laugh along with his words.

Leon turned to the side a bit, his arm still hanging heavy around my shoulders. I saw Tommy take a couple steps so he was now next to us.

"Katie this is Tommy, Leon's friend" I said, motioning to him. I flashed her a wink, her face flushed completely red.

"What's up chick, I like your vibe"

"I could say the same" Katie smirked at Tommy. I rolled my eyes at her. Typical Katie.

"So, shall we then?" I broke the awkward silence between the two, their eyes were glued to each other. I wanted to slap myself stupid at their reaction to each other.

"Yeah let's go" Leon dragged me into the bus, I giggled, glancing back to see Katie following behind after Tommy ushered her in first. What a gentleman, I thought.

"Hey Leon, you cool to drive for a bit?"

"Yeah man I gotchu" Tommy chucked the keys across the bus. Leon caught them effortlessly. I decided to join him up front. The bus started up with a low rumble. I kicked my feet up and over into Leon's lap.

"Ready?" He asked, shifting the large gear knob.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said back, giving him a smile to which he returned by squeezing my now barefoot feet.


Katie and Tommy pretty much hit it off the first hour into the drive to Washington. They were going on and on about themselves, their mental issues, hobbies. Basically playing 20 questions but that easily turned into a million.

Leon and I sat silently, eavesdropping on their conversation. We couldn't help but flash each other childlike smiles at the obvious connection between the two.

"You know, I think it's a good idea we brought her along" Leon whispered over to me.

I shut the heavy curtains behind us, the thick fabric encasing us in the front of the bus.

I went back to my original position from before. "Yeah, I think it's fate"

We both bursted out laughing as quietly as we could. He slapped my leg softly, flashing me a toothy smile.

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