Chapter 7

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The silence that greeted Jungkook upon entering his house felt heavier than usual. Jungkook's heart felt like a lead weight as he entered his own quiet household. He knew something was wrong the moment he noticed the oppressive silence. His sister, Min-hee, emerged from her room, eyes red-rimmed and swollen from tears. His father, a slumped figure on the couch, seemed to shrink further into himself at the sight of Jungkook. His mother, Jung-sun, sat at the kitchen table, her face etched with worry.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked, a knot of apprehension tightening in his stomach.

Jung-sun didn't meet his gaze. "Min-hee," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "She's pregnant."

The news hit Jungkook like a punch to the gut. He knew his sister, knew her dreams of finishing school, of becoming a nurse. He also knew their father, his propensity for shirking responsibility, his addiction to cheap alcohol.

"And where is he?" Jungkook asked, his voice tight with anger.

"Gone," Jung-sun replied, her shoulders slumping. "He ran. Left us with another mouth to feed, another burden to bear."

A wave of frustration and helplessness washed over Jungkook. He was the eldest, the one who should be taking care of his family, but he was still just starting out, his gym income barely enough to cover his own expenses. Yet, he couldn't leave them either, not with Min-hee in this state.His family, already struggling to make ends meet, were now saddled with another mouth to feed, another burden to bear. His own efforts at the gym, while providing some financial relief, weren't enough. He needed to do more, be more, for his family.

That night, as he lay awake in his cramped room, a decision formed in his mind. He would work harder, train harder, take on any job he could. He needed to earn more, to provide for his family, to give Min-hee a chance at a future.

He talked to his gym manager the next day, proposing to take on additional roles – physical therapist, workout coach, anything to squeeze in extra hours. The manager, impressed by his dedication and growing skills, agreed.

But it wasn't enough. Jungkook knew he needed to think bigger. He stumbled upon an online ad, a call for fitness trainers in the United States. The pay was unbelievable, enough to send money back home, enough to support his family.

The decision was agonizing. Leaving Seokjin, his newfound friend and training partner, felt like abandoning his own journey. But leaving his family in this state was unthinkable. He approached his manager at the gym the next day, his words laden with a heavy heart. He asked for another role, something that would pay more, something that would allow him to provide for his family in a way his current job simply couldn't.

His manager, a kind-hearted woman named Min-ah, listened patiently to his story. She knew Jungkook's dedication and talent, and she understood the desperate situation he faced. To her surprise, she didn't offer sympathy, but opportunity.

"Jungkook," she said, her eyes gleaming with a strange mix of sadness and admiration, "a gym in Los Angeles is looking for a trainer. They need someone experienced, someone passionate, someone like you."

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat. America? It was a dream he had harbored for years, a dream he had reluctantly shelved for the sake of his family. Now, the opportunity arose, not from desire, but from necessity.

He looked at Min-ah, the unspoken question hanging heavy in the air.

"Yes, you can take it," she said, as if reading his mind. "Your family needs you here, but they also need security. This, Jungkook, is your chance to provide both."

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