Chapter 34

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Exhaustion clung to Hoseok like a second skin as he trudged through the front door. The taunts and jeers from his classmates echoed in his mind, a constant hum of negativity. He sank onto the worn couch, burying his face in his hands. All he wanted was to escape this relentless cycle of bullying and exhaustion. Yet, he knew he had to persevere. Graduation, a distant dream at times, was his only ticket to a better life, a way to secure his own future and help his mother rebuild theirs.

Sleep, however, offered little respite. Nightmares, fueled by the day's events, plagued his dreams. Images of mocking faces morphed into monstrous figures, the laughter morphing into chilling screams. He'd wake up drenched in sweat, his heart hammering against his ribs. Each new day became a battle against the emotional and physical toll of the previous one.

The next day, The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the small apartment, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within Hoseok. He shuffled into the kitchen, his eyes glued to his phone, a feeble attempt to shield himself from the warmth Hyung-joong exuded. A plate piled high with golden brown pancakes and a steaming cup of coffee sat on the table, a silent invitation for breakfast.

Hoseok's stomach rumbled, a traitor to his carefully constructed facade. Memories flickered in his mind – happier times when Hyung-joong's meals were a source of comfort and joy. The laughter that filled their home, the way his father's eyes would light up at a particularly delicious dish – all seemed like a distant dream, shattered by the harsh realities of their current situation.

The bullying at school had taken its toll, not just emotionally but physically as well. The constant stress and lack of sleep left him drained, his appetite dwindling with each passing day. Food, once a source of pleasure, had become a painful reminder of everything he'd lost.

Hyung-joong, her eyes filled with concern, studied him. She knew the charade he was playing, the silent battle raging within him.

"Hoseok," she began gently, her voice laced with concern, "You haven't touched your breakfast. Is everything alright?"

Hoseok mumbled a noncommittal response, avoiding eye contact. "Just not hungry, Mom. Thanks anyway."

He knew his lie was transparent, but voicing his pain felt like an insurmountable task. The shame of being bullied, the fear of appearing weak, all held him back from reaching out.

Hyung-joong's voice rang out from the kitchen, laced with a hint of forced cheer, "Hoseok, honey? Don't leave for school yet. Taehyung's coming to pick you up, and there's plenty of breakfast left!"

Hoseok grimaced. The last thing he needed was another display of fabricated family harmony, especially not one orchestrated by his well-meaning but slightly misguided stepmother. He mumbled a protest, "Mom, it's way too early for me. Besides, I can walk to school."

Hyung-joong appeared in the doorway, a determined glint in her eyes. "Nonsense! It's a beautiful morning, and besides," she lowered her voice conspiratorially, "Taehyung looking like a charming prince at the wheel will surely make some of your classmates jealous."

Hoseok's irritation spiked. Did she really think he needed Taehyung as a prop to boost his social standing? He wanted genuine connections, not envy fueled by a facade.

"Mom, please," he pleaded, "It's not necessary. Taehyung's busy, and it'll just be awkward for everyone."

Hyung-joong's smile faltered slightly, a flicker of sadness crossing her face. Perhaps she sensed the raw emotions beneath his gruff exterior. She sighed, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Look, sweetheart," she said softly, "I know things haven't been easy with Taehyung lately. But maybe, just maybe, this could be a small step towards rebuilding a connection. Even a simple act of courtesy can go a long way."

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