Chapter 20

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The rain continued its relentless assault, mirroring the storm brewing within Jungkook. The sudden kiss, Seokjin's hopeful smile, and the weight of his own unspoken desires sent his heart into a frantic rhythm. Yet, amidst the turmoil, his priority remained clear – ensure Seokjin's safety and comfort.

As they reached the darkened gym, expecting solace and warmth, a gasp escaped on both Seokjin and Jungkook's lips.

A low, guttural moan echoed from within, instantly shattering the fragile peace they'd found under the oak tree. Seokjin, startled, gripped Jungkook's arm, his eyes wide with surprise.

Cautiously, they peeked inside. The sight that met their gaze sent a jolt of electricity through Jungkook. Jimin, his back pressed against the cold concrete wall, was locked in a passionate kiss with Namjoon. Their movements were fueled by a raw intensity, fueled by the rain and the unexpected intimacy of the moment.

The shared scream ripped through the air, shattering the intimate scene and leaving everyone frozen in place. The tension crackled thicker than the rain outside. All eyes landed on Jungkook, his expression unreadable but his stance firm. Jimin and Namjoon, caught in the act, could barely meet his gaze.

Jungkook, ever the professional, broke the silence first. "Let's talk," he said, his voice calm despite the storm raging within him. "Both of you, office." He strode towards the back, leaving an air of apprehension hanging heavy in the air.

Seokjin followed, a silent observer. He admired Jungkook's composure, his ability to separate personal turmoil from professional responsibility. It was a leadership quality he deeply respected.

Inside the office, the storm erupted. Jungkook's questions were direct, laced with disappointment and a hint of anger. He wasn't questioning their right to privacy, but the potential impact on their working relationship. Professionalism had to come first, and any distractions could jeopardize the success of the gym.

Jimin and Namjoon, shamefaced, offered mumbled apologies. They assured him their personal lives wouldn't affect their work, but their words lacked conviction. The tension remained, fueled by unspoken feelings and unaddressed desires.

Seokjin, sensing the emotional weight of the situation, decided to play mediator. He reminded them of their shared goals, the dreams they were working towards together. He emphasized the importance of trust and open communication, not just at work, but as friends.

Seokjin, seeking solace and a way to ease the awkwardness, retreated to the pantry. He rummaged through the tea boxes, the clatter an almost comforting counterpoint to the silence.

As he poured the steaming water, Jimin entered, his face etched with apology. He offered Jungkook a gym shirt and sweatpants, his voice barely above a whisper. Seokjin noted the lingering guilt in Jimin's eyes, a reflection of the turmoil they all shared.

Meanwhile, Namjoon secured the leaking windows, his movements efficient yet shadowed by unspoken worry. Seokjin saw the dozen missed calls and messages on Taehyung's phone, a stark reminder of his own complicated situation. With a resolute sigh, he switched his phone off, choosing to focus on the present moment.

Jungkook, oblivious to the storm brewing around him, emerged from the changing room, towel slung low on his hips. The damp fabric clung to his toned physique, sending another jolt of heat through Seokjin. He quickly averted his gaze, scolding himself for being so obvious.

"Tea?" Seokjin offered, his voice slightly strained.

Jungkook smiled, the gesture reaching his eyes. "Thanks, hyung. I needed that."

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