Chapter 38

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A sliver of hope flickered in Hyung-joong's eyes as she watched Hoseok pick at his breakfast. It wasn't a ravenous appetite, but it was progress. She kept the conversation light, not wanting to overwhelm him with questions. "Did you sleep well, sweetheart?"

Hoseok mumbled a noncommittal response, his gaze fixed on the swirl of milk in his cereal bowl. Just then, the familiar rumble of Taehyung's scooter announced his arrival. Hyung-joong offered him a warm smile as he entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Taehyung. Ready to wrangle your brother again?" she teased, a hint of relief in her voice.

Taehyung chuckled. "Always a pleasure, Mom. Though I was hoping he might be walking himself to school today."

Hoseok shot him a hesitant glance, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. He couldn't explain why, but the thought of facing the school day without Taehyung's comforting presence sent a shiver down his spine.

"Actually," Taehyung began, a serious expression replacing his usual playful grin, "I have a sudden work opportunity that came up. I'll be gone for about a week."

Hyung-joong raised an eyebrow, a flicker of concern in her eyes. "Work? So soon? Is everything alright?" The concern mother got worry on Taehyung work.

"Everything's fine," Taehyung assured her, a hint of forced cheer in his voice. He winked at Hoseok, a silent message passing between them. "But trust me, this is going to be good."

Hoseok, however, couldn't muster a smile. Disappointment gnawed at him, but he refused to let it show. He forced a nonchalant shrug. "Alright, see you in a week then." Hoseok force to smile but, deep inside. He love Taehyung drive him to school.

Their ride to school was oddly quiet. Gone were the usual animated conversations about their days. Hoseok stared out the window, his heart heavy with a growing sense of dread. As they pulled up to the school entrance, Taehyung gave him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Hoseok," he murmured. "Everything's going according to plan."

Hoseok nodded, offering a weak smile in return. He wasn't sure what plan Taehyung was referring to, but a flicker of hope sparked within him. Stepping onto the school grounds, he braced himself for the usual taunts and whispers. However, this time, the atmosphere was charged with something different. He could feel the stares, a mix of curiosity and undisguised hostility.

Just as he reached his classroom door, a group of boys blocked his path. He recognized them as some of Taemin's closest associates, their faces contorted with anger. Before he could react, a fist connected with his jaw, sending a jolt of pain through his head.

"So, you're the one who thinks he can steal Taehyung?" one of them sneered, his voice dripping with venom. "Taehyung's way out of your league, freak."

Hoseok stumbled back, clutching his throbbing jaw. Confusion and fear wrestled within him. What were they talking about? Why was everyone looking at him with such animosity? He tried to stammer out a question, but before he could, another blow landed on his shoulder.

The bathroom stall became his refuge, a small haven where he could escape the relentless assault. He cradled his jaw, tears stinging his eyes. What had happened? Why was the bullying worse than ever? A horrifying realization dawned on him.

News of the "plan" – the crazy idea Taehyung had mentioned – must have gotten out. The whispers, the stares, the vicious attack – it all pointed to one thing. People believed he was dating Taehyung. And instead of deterring Taemin, it had somehow made him even more furious.

Despair threatened to engulf Hoseok. He had gone from being the invisible target to the center of a storm he hadn't asked for. He missed the quiet anonymity, the days when he could blend into the background, unnoticed and unbothered. Now, he was the subject of ridicule, the target of misplaced anger.

As the tears subsided, a flicker of defiance sparked in Hoseok's eyes. He wouldn't crumble beneath this new wave of pressure.

Relief washed over Hoseok as Hyung-joong pulled up to the curb. He thanked her with a genuine smile, a small flicker of hope warming his chest. Maybe, just maybe, with Taehyung gone, things would be a little less chaotic at school. Bidding his stepmother goodbye, he took a deep breath and entered the school grounds.

He braced himself for the usual taunts, the pointed stares, anything. But to his surprise, the hallways were eerily quiet. No snickers, no malicious whispers followed him as he navigated the familiar corridors. He cautiously opened his locker, heart pounding in anticipation. No nasty messages scrawled on the inside, no hidden rotten eggs or exploding stink bombs.

A cautious optimism bloomed in his chest. Could it be? Could the "dating Taehyung" plan, despite its disastrous turn with Taemin's gang, have somehow deterred the other bullies?

Just then, a familiar figure emerged from around a corner. Minho. The very person who had inadvertently set the whole bullying chain in motion two years ago. Hoseok's breath hitched. He hadn't seen Minho approach him directly in ages.

"Hoseok," Minho began, his voice low and hesitant. For the first time, Hoseok saw a flicker of something akin to regret in his eyes. "Can we talk?"

Hoseok's mind raced. Was this a trap? Another elaborate set-up by Taemin and his cronies? But something in Minho's demeanor, a vulnerability he hadn't noticed before, gave Hoseok pause. He hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded.

They found themselves in a deserted corner of the library, a stark contrast to the bustling hallways. Hoseok shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what to expect.

"Look," Minho began, his voice barely a whisper, "about what happened two years ago... I'm sorry." He winced, as if the words pained him. "I didn't know how to handle the situation. I never meant for things to get so out of hand."

Hoseok stared at him, his emotions a tangled mess. Part of him craved an apology, an acknowledgement of the pain he had endured. Another part, hardened by years of bullying, remained skeptical.

"It's not just about that," Hoseok said finally, his voice hoarse. "The rumors, the constant harassment... It all started because of you."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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