Chapter 24

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As the last customers trickled out of Blue Mist, the restaurant buzzed with the post-dinner quiet. Namjoon and Seokjin, fueled by creative energy, sat at a table, sketching ideas for the upcoming Italian-inspired vegan party.

"I cannot believe my brains will pop out on this," Seokjin got frustrated from different options on the internet. Namjoon agree and still searching.

Suddenly, Seokjin's eyes darted towards the back kitchen, where his friend Jaehwan, a kitchen staff member, was about to toss a large bin of leftover vegetables and greens into the compost corner.

"Wait, Jaehwan!" Seokjin exclaimed, rushing over. "Don't throw those away!"

Jaehwan stopped, surprised. "But Mr. Kim, these are just scraps. We can't use them."

Seokjin's eyes gleamed with inspiration. "Oh, but we can! Look at all these beautiful colors – spinach, kale, zucchini... We can make something amazing!"

Intrigued, Namjoon joined them, peering into the bin. He saw not scraps, but potential. "You're right, Seokjin. We could use the greens for a vibrant pesto or even try spinach and ricotta ravioli."

Seokjin nodded, his mind already buzzing. "And those zucchini ends? Perfect for miniature pizzas with caramelized onions and vegan cheese!"

Jaehwan, initially skeptical, was now captivated by their enthusiasm. Together, they embarked on a culinary adventure, transforming the "scraps" into a feast. Seokjin whipped up a vibrant green pasta with a creamy avocado sauce, while Jaehwan, guided by Namjoon, crafted miniature pizzas bursting with flavor.

The aroma soon filled the kitchen, drawing in other staff members. Curiosity turned into delight as they sampled the creations. The green pasta, with its subtle earthy notes and creamy texture, was a revelation. The pizzas, with their perfectly caramelized onions and melty vegan cheese, were miniature explosions of taste.

The grand party buzzed with life and laughter. Guests adorned in elegant attire mingled, enjoying the unique fusion of Italian and vegan cuisine Seokjin had meticulously crafted. The vibrant green pasta and miniature pizzas, once mere "scraps," were now the stars of the evening, garnering praise and delight from every corner.

Seokjin, the host with the most, moved through the crowd like a seasoned performer, receiving warm greetings and exchanging pleasantries. Seeing Namjoon enter the scene, arm in arm with his boyfriend Jimin, further stoked his anger. The sight of them together, their happiness radiating outwards, was a stark contrast to Taehyung's own turbulent emotions. His gaze then landed on the figure of Jungkook, engrossed in conversation with a group of friends. The simmering rage bubbled over, a boiling pot reaching its tipping point.

As the night deepened, a hush fell over the room, followed by a ripple of excited whispers. A group of young women walked in, their elegant presence drawing attention: IVE, the popular girl group, had arrived.

Cameras flashed, phones were held aloft, and an air of anticipation filled the room. Seokjin, surprised yet delighted, recognized them instantly. One of the members, the bubbly and energetic Gaeul, approached him with a warm smile and extended her hand.

"Mr. Kim," she greeted, "thank you so much for inviting us! We're huge fans of your restaurant, especially your creative vegan dishes."

Seokjin, touched by their admiration, reciprocated the warmth. "It's my pleasure to have you here, Gaeul," he replied, shaking her hand. "Please, enjoy the party. We have plenty of delicious food for everyone."

Throughout the night, Seokjin found himself drawn into an engaging conversation with the members of IVE. They discussed their musical journey, their interest in promoting healthy and sustainable choices, and their shared love for innovative food. As they talked, a powerful idea took root in Seokjin's mind.

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