Chapter 10

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The aroma of exotic spices and succulent roasting meats hung heavy in the air, a symphony of culinary delights that only Blue Mist Delight could orchestrate. Seokjin, in his crisp chef's whites, surveyed his kingdom with a practiced eye. The restaurant, a glittering testament to his father-in-law's wealth and ambition, pulsed with the soft hum of conversation and the clinking of crystal glasses. This was his domain, a world of marble countertops, gleaming chandeliers, and patrons who spoke in hushed tones about the latest stock market trends and billion-dollar deals.

Yet, behind the veneer of luxury, a different story unfolded. Tae-woo, Seokjin's father-in-law and the man who built Blue Mist Delight from the ground up, was a study in contradictions. He was a culinary savant, his palate as discerning as his business acumen, but his icy demeanor and unwavering perfectionism chilled even the most seasoned staff. He trusted only one person implicitly: Seokjin. Their bond, forged in the crucible of shared passion and ambition, was a curious mix of begrudging respect and a simmering undercurrent of something deeper, something unspoken.

Taehyung, Seokjin's lover and Tae-woo's son, was a symphony of complexities in his own right. He carried the weight of his father's legacy on his broad shoulders, a burden that etched lines of worry onto his youthful face. He was a talented businessman in his own right, but his artistic soul yearned for an escape from the gilded cage of Blue Mist Delight. Yet, he was tethered to the restaurant, not just by duty but by an unspoken hope - the hope that one day, he could inherit his father's mantle and mold it into something more than a playground for the elite.

While Tae-woo was happy for the Blue Mist success, one of the servers ran towards Tae-woo and Seokjin.

"Sir, the chefs are fighting!"


The tension in the Blue Mist Delight kitchen was thicker than the béchamel simmering on the stove. Every clink of a pan, every muttered curse felt like a drumbeat in the escalating war between Seunghoo and Tae-woo's cousin, Minsu. Both head chefs from their previous restaurant, their rivalry had simmered for years, finally boiling over like a pot left unattended on high heat.

What started as a terse exchange over the proper seasoning of a lobster bisque erupted into a culinary Armageddon. Fruits and vegetables became missiles, spatulas transformed into swords, and rolling pins morphed into battering rams. Flour clouds puffed into the air, obscuring the chaos as curses and insults traded places with sizzling oil and scattered herbs.

Seokjin, ever the mediator, watched in horrified fascination. He knew both men were masters of their craft, their egos as finely sharpened as their knives. But to see them reduced to bumbling brutes in a food fight worthy of a slapstick comedy was both tragic and strangely comedic.

Tae-woo, alerted by the cacophony, stormed into the kitchen, his face thunderous. He surveyed the wreckage – overturned carts, flour-dusted faces, and a mangled lobster on the floor. His fury burned hotter than the oven.

"Enough!" he roared, his voice echoing through the room. Both Seunghoo and Minsu froze, sheepish grins plastered on their flour-streaked faces. Tae-woo, however, had no time for their charade. He pointed a finger at Seunghoo, his tone icy.

"You're fired," he spat. "Out of my kitchen, now."

Seunghoo's smile vanished, replaced by a mixture of anger and disbelief. "But...but it wasn't me who started it!" he protested, gesturing towards Minsu, whose face now resembled a crimson beet.

Tae-woo ignored him. "Doesn't matter," he snarled. "You brought this chaos into my kitchen. Get out and don't ever show your face here again."

Seunghoo, defeated, trudged out, leaving behind a stunned silence and a lingering smell of burnt ambition. The incident cast a long shadow over the restaurant, a harsh reminder of the volatile mix of egos and talent that filled its kitchens.

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