Chapter 27

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Tears streamed down Seokjin's face as he reached his apartment. The revelation that Taehyung never truly loved him felt like a physical blow. He couldn't bring himself to blame him. In a way, he'd played a part in perpetuating the fantasy, allowing himself to be swept away by the promise of an ideal life presented by Taehyung and his father, the benefactor.

But as he caught sight of the familiar mushroom plushie, a symbol of his bond with Jungkook, a different kind of pain washed over him. His mind traveled back six years, to the day he stumbled upon a conversation between Jungkook and his mother. The harsh words echoed in his ears: "You cannot give Seokjin a good life like Taehyung did. We are poor, Jungkook, having a relationship is another mouth to feed."

The memory struck a deep chord. He remembered the sting of those words, spoken with an almost desperate finality. It was around that time that his own feelings towards Jungkook began to solidify – a blooming affection tinged with a deep empathy for the struggles he faced.

Another memory surfaced in Seokjin's mind, a vivid flashback that intensified the turmoil within him. He found himself transported back to Jungkook's house six years ago, the memory as clear as day. The mocking laughter of Jungkook's younger brother echoed in his ears, "He'll empty our fridge and pantry every day! And poor Jungkook, he'll be working himself old to feed him!" The room erupted in laughter, the sound harsh and grating to Seokjin's ears.

But amidst the cacophony, two figures remained silent: Jungkook and his mother. Seokjin saw the way Jungkook's face hardened, his jaw clenched with a mix of anger and helplessness. His mother, her voice laced with a quiet strength, retorted, "It's better to have an empty fridge than to do bad things."

Those words hammered into Seokjin's chest, leaving a deep imprint on his heart. He felt a surge of empathy for Jungkook, the weight of his family's struggles suddenly tangible. He saw beyond the bravado and self-assuredness Jungkook presented to the world, catching a glimpse of the burdens he carried silently.

A wave of guilt washed over Seokjin. He realized that by pursuing a relationship with Taehyung, he had, in a way, played into the very societal expectations that burdened Jungkook. He had allowed himself to be swayed by the promise of comfort and security, overlooking the genuine connection he shared with Jungkook.

Seokjin stood up, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. The heartbreak of his crumbling relationship with Taehyung intertwined with a newfound understanding of Jungkook's past and the unspoken affection that lingered between them. He yearned for clarity, for a way to reconcile the past with the present.


In the bustling kitchens of Blue Mist, a tense atmosphere crackled in the air. Tae-woo, his brow furrowed in a perpetual frown, surveyed the staff scurrying around him. The impending birthday celebration for his grandfather loomed large, and every detail needed to be perfect.

He inspected a meticulously plated dish, his lips pursed in disapproval. "This isn't right," he grumbled, pushing it away with a dismissive flick of his hand. "It lacks... something."

The staff exchanged nervous glances. They had poured their hearts into the preparations, using the finest ingredients and following the recipes to a tee. Yet, nothing seemed to satisfy the demanding head chef.

Frustration mounted as Tae-woo continued his relentless critique. He rejected the wine selection, the table arrangements, even the floral decorations. The staff, accustomed to his exacting standards, began to wilt under the pressure.

"Where's Seokjin?" Tae-woo boomed, his voice echoing through the kitchen. "This wouldn't be happening if he were here."

The staff exchanged nervous glances, unsure how to respond. Seokjin, with his keen eye for detail and impeccable taste, had always been Tae-woo's most trusted advisor when it came to such grand events. His absence was keenly felt, not just for his culinary expertise but also for the calming presence he brought to the usually high-pressure environment.

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