Chapter 33

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Dinnertime at the gym was a usual affair for Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jimin. The air buzzed with friendly chatter as Seokjin placed steaming plates of his latest culinary creation in front of them. The aroma instantly filled the room, a comforting counterpoint to the earlier tension surrounding Hoseok.

Jungkook, ever the observant one, steered the conversation towards Hoseok. "So, what do you guys think about Hoseok?" he asked, taking a bite of Seokjin's dish.

Jimin, chewing thoughtfully, frowned. "He seems like a nice kid, but..." He trailed off, unable to shake the image of Hoseok's gaunt frame. "He's so thin, almost paper-like. It worries me."

Namjoon, his brow furrowed, took a more analytical approach. "He definitely exhibits some concerning behaviors. The withdrawal, the refusal to eat at the bakery... it could be a sign of an underlying mental disorder."

Jimin bristled at the suggestion. "He's not sick, Namjoon! He just seems... lost, maybe scared." He shot a sympathetic glance towards the doorway, half-expecting Hoseok to appear for some forgotten reason.

Namjoon, sensing Jimin's defensiveness, held up his hands in a placating gesture. "Alright, alright, maybe disorder is the wrong word. But there's undoubtedly something he's not telling us. Something that's causing him distress."


Hoseok stood before the mirror, the fluorescent light casting a harsh glow on his thin frame. The uniform he wore hung loosely, emphasizing his small stature rather than presenting an image of a confident student. School, a place that should have nurtured his love for learning, had become his personal hell.

The memory of his confession still burned fresh. He'd gathered all his courage to tell Minho, the school's most popular boy, about his feelings. The laughter that erupted after Minho publicly declared Hoseok's confession "the funniest joke of the year" echoed in his mind. The humiliation, the whispers, the relentless teasing – it all threatened to break him.

But Hoseok gritted his teeth. He swallowed the bitter taste of despair. He couldn't allow himself to crumble. He had a purpose now, a responsibility that transcended his personal torment. He had to graduate, secure a good job, and help his mother rebuild their lives.

The image of his mother, Hyung-joong, working tirelessly in the kitchen at Blue Mist, fueled his resolve. Seeing her struggle, her pride slightly dimmed but her spirit unbroken, filled him with a fierce protectiveness. He wouldn't let her down. He wouldn't let the bullies win.

Stepping out of the apartment, Hoseok was met with an unexpected sight. There stood Taehyung, looking every bit the part of a handsome boyfriend waiting for his fiancé. Except, their situation was far from a picture-perfect romance. The truth was far more prosaic – Taehyung, at his mother's request, was here to chauffeur Hoseok to school.

Hoseok felt a flicker of something akin to annoyance. Did Taehyung really need to put on a show? Couldn't he have just sent a text or called? But then again, Hoseok wasn't exactly eager to advertise the complexities of their family dynamic to the neighborhood.

"Ready to go?" Taehyung asked, a hint of awkwardness tinging his voice.

Hoseok mumbled a grudging assent, shoving his backpack straps over his shoulders. The silence that followed was heavy, laden with unspoken emotions.

As they walked side-by-side, a cautious distance separating them, Hoseok couldn't help but steal a glance at Taehyung. The memory of their strained relationship flickered in his mind. Yet, there was something about Taehyung's presence, a subtle protectiveness perhaps, that offered a sliver of comfort he couldn't deny.

The car ride was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Taehyung focused on the road, his jaw clenched tight. Hoseok pretended to be engrossed in a phone he didn't own, staring blankly at the screen.

Reaching the school, Taehyung pulled up in front of the building. He turned towards Hoseok, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Look," he began hesitantly, "Mom's worried about you. If anything's going on at school, or..."

He trailed off, seeming to struggle for the right words. Hoseok, however, understood perfectly.

"I can handle it," Hoseok said, his voice flat. "Thanks for the ride."

Before Taehyung could respond, Hoseok opened the door and stepped out, disappearing into the throng of students. He walked with his head down, a shield against the whispers and taunts he knew awaited him.

Frustration bubbled within Taehyung as Hoseok practically slammed the car door shut, his face an unreadable mask. Taehyung wanted to press further, offer support, but something held him back. Perhaps it was the years of estrangement, or maybe the fear of overstepping boundaries. With a defeated sigh, he shrugged it off and started the car.

Suddenly, the sound of jeering cut through the air. Taehyung slammed on the brakes, his gaze drawn towards a group of students gathered around Hoseok. The cruel laughter, the taunts of "fat" and "ugly" - it all unfolded in a sickening display of bullying.

Taehyung's blood ran cold. He wanted to jump out, intervene, protect Hoseok from the venomous words. But logic held him back. He needed to get to his agency. However, the image of Hoseok, alone and vulnerable, wouldn't leave him.

As he drove away, a new resolve hardened within him. He wouldn't let this slide. He wouldn't allow Hoseok to face this torment alone. Pulling over in a secluded spot, he fished out his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Kim Investigations?" A professional voice greeted him.

"Hi," Taehyung said, his voice tight. "I need to hire a private investigator."


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