chapter 29

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I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar] Chapter 29: The marshal contributed 520 cute value
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Facing such a brutal looking mutant beast with tyrannical eyes, Ji Wuxiu was instinctively afraid, even if he knew that he had a system as a backer—because the system had no use for eggs.

Because of his excellent appearance, all animals found him ugly and even vomited.

Fortunately, this cage couldn't even be broken by himself, and the silver wolf outside couldn't get in. Instead, the cage that imprisoned freedom became a life-saving talisman.

The silver wolf approached slowly, and its thick hair set off its tall and mighty.

Just walking onwards can produce an unbelievable coercion.

Ji Wuxiu hid back with a look of horror.

The silver wolf came to the cage, an unknown cold light flashed in the vertical pupils.

It thought that when he first came here, he was as scared as this ugly thing, and was locked in a cage and couldn't get out.

At that time, it had thought, if anyone could open the cage, it would be fine.

Unfortunately not.

Every day of the past three years has been painful like hell.

Complex emotions flashed through the eyes of the silver wolf, as if it had made some decision. It opened its mouth, revealing a row of cold teeth, and bit down towards the cage. The sour squeaking sound instantly sounded, and it was solid and unbreakable. His cage was snapped off in an instant.

Ji Wuxiu's eyes were horrified: "!!!"

The silver wolf continued to bite down, looking like it was about to break the cage.

Where did Ji Wuxiu stay? He hurriedly tore the cage to the other side, and didn't want to escape. Maybe he was going to be eaten by the wolf.

The heavy cage began to sway with Ji Wuxiu's tearing, which made Silver Wolf very annoyed, and yelled at the ugly thing, "Oh-uh!"

—Ugly, please be honest with me.

Ji Wuxiu's body stiffened, the panic on his face did not fade, and then anger came up.

It doesn't matter if the Black Panther calls him an ugly creature, this silver wolf... also calls him an ugly creature.

Is he destined to be ugly in the eyes of animals all his life?

But the wolf was really too cruel, and Ji Wu naturally didn't dare to let it go because he was angry, but compared to before, his fear of the wolf faded a bit.

According to the words of the Silver Wolf just now, it can be judged that it may have a certain degree of wisdom, at least it must be higher than the black leopard, and he can try to communicate with this leopard.

Ji Wuxiu pushed back, mustering the courage to test out: "Huh?"

-Can you understand me?

The silver wolf's action of biting the cage suddenly stopped, and a pair of tyrannical eyes were stained with surprise.

Ji Wuxiu breathed a sigh of relief immediately, as long as he could understand it, he quickly reasoned with Silver Wolf, trying to dispel its desire to eat itself.

-Seeing that everyone is a mutant beast, can you not eat me?

Silver Wolf moved his ears, his tone was full of surprise, "Oh?"

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