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The next day everything seemed back to normal, the guys weren't arguing anymore except my emotions were really fucking with me.

I feel sad and I want to cry but I don't know why, the mixed emotions are annoying me and the worst part is I don't know how to explain these emotions to the guys.

I've avoided them since I don't know what emotion will show when I'm around them.

Sitting in my room playing on my xbox I'm enjoying my alone time that is until someone opens the door.

Enzo walks in "Hey, we've been looking for you" he says softly, I groan silently rolling my eyes "come down staires for some food" "no thanks" i say keeping my eyes on the TV, "Seb it's not up for discussion, come on" I groan aloud "ugh fuck off" I mumble in annoyance.

I guess rage is the emotion we are going with at this moment. "What did you just say?" I look up at Enzo who looks completely shocked, "I'm playing a game can you leave me alone" I tell him my voice laced with attitude.

"Unless you want a severe punishment I suggest you apoligise right now" usualy this tone would strike fear into me but right now it's only agitating me more. "Fuck sake. There's no fucking privacy in this damn house" I groan before standing up and pushing past him in the door way.

I can hear his footsteps behind me before he grabs my arm "don't ever talk to me like that again. Do I make myself clear?" His voice and eyes were quite frightening but I had chosen this emotion and now I feel to stubborn to hide it.

"K" is all I say before grabbing back my wrist and walking down the stairs.

I purposely hurried my steps afraid of what he'll do, "Hey Seb" one of the guys say as I walk past the living room, completely ignoring them I head towards the kitchen.

I'm really thirsty, I sift through the fridge looking for a drink. Picking up a bottle of water something else catches my eye, beer.

Rolling my eyes I put the bottle back and pick up the beer, popping the top of with it I take a couple swig just before all three guys enter the kitchen not looking at all pleased.

I guess Enzo told them, nothings fucking secret in this house. Colt walks up to me snatching the beer our of my hand "Hey! Get your fucking own" I growl out, he stands still staring at me as if unsure of what just happend.

A smack across the back of my head catches me of guard "what the fuck is going on with you?" Hank growls out. "Whyd you hit me? He took my fucking beer" I yell at him, "that's enough! Calm down NOW" Enzos voice booms through the kitchen almost making the ground shake.

"Either we talk about this calmly or we can go straight to you getting a punishment" "what the fuck is with the punishments? They ain't gonna make me fucking respect you" I growl, just then Colt grabs my arm roughly taking me by surprise.

Without thinking I push him back hard "Don't fucking touch me!" I yell loudly, his eyes glow golden as his face turns tight with rage however as soon as I realised I had just pushed him sudden shock consumes me.

Guilt fills me as all emotions are suffocating me "I'm sorry" the words come out like I have no control, my voice cracks as my hands shake in fear of no knowing what's going on right now.

His expression changes slowly from anger to...concern?

He takes a step towards me before I quickly take a step back repeating "I'm sorry" over and over again, I jump slightly at the feeling of his hand around my wrist.

"It's okay" his soothing tone takes me by surprise, is he not mad? I tremble under his touch trying to the another step back but my backs already against the wall.

I quickly snatch my head back as I see his hand aiming for my face, expecting to feel a full force of a slap it takes me by surprise when I feel the palm of his hand resting softly on the side of my cheek.

"Shhhhhh, your okay" his gentle tone was like soft whispers in my ear, his overpowering figure still makes my knees buckle even if he is acting calm.

My body's still shaking, "i-i didn't mean t-to" i stutter as tears form In my eyes "I know. I'm not mad" he says softly.

He takes both my hands in his as if trying to stop them from shaking while I feel a thumb wipe away the tears running down my cheeks.

"whats going on with you?" Enzo whispers softly, I shake my head with more tears "I d-dont know" I stutter out, "that's okay" I hear Hanks voice the other side of me.

"Come on let's go upstaires, you feel better after lying down for a bit" Enzo says grabbing my arm but I just stay where I'm sat.

The feeling of a hand on my ankle causing me to kick out "Seb!" A growl booms out, I shut my eyes tightly covering my hands with my ears wanting everything to be quiet.

A pair of hands wrap around my wrist "Hey, baby...what's wrong?" Another hand rubs on my back "take a couple deep breathes" another voice says, I calm my breathing for a couple minutes till I'm sure I have it under control.

"I think someone's a little too emotional to make there own choices right now. Come on, we're going upstaires" i hear Enzo say, I shake my head but I'm pulled up of the floor and into a pair of arms, before I known it I'm in Enzos calming room laying down on the bed.

Colt lays a hot water bottle on my chest which was weirdly comforting, wolfie is placed beside me which usualy when I'm not in little space I would ignore but right now I could really use his comfort.

I take him in my arms and cuddle with him ignoring the guys presence.

The Theif 2! A pups little sideWhere stories live. Discover now