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"Happy Birthday!" Angel yelled out making Rea cringe and their parents to laugh.

"Thank you." She said with a small smile as she took off her birthday hat and placed it on the table.

"What did you wish for?"

"It wouldn't make sense to tell you all what I wished for." She answered her mother as she took a bit of the icing on the cake, before pouring herself a glass of wine.

Angel rolled his eyes playfully before passing her two presents, one of them being bigger than the other.

"One's from me."

"What about the other one?"

Angel smirked at her with a raise of his eyebrow, making her realize from who it could have been.

She immediately smiled and opened the one from Heeseung first, making Angel let out a dramatic gasp.

"What? Why are you opening that one first?! I'm right here."

She shushed him playfully and looked in the box. The first thing was a box that clearly contained some type of jewelry, and she opened it to see a diamond bracelet.

"Woah, who got you that? It looks like it's worth more than our house." Her mother asked exasperatedly, making Rea look at her with a sheepish smile.

She lightly bit her lip as she carefully placed the bracelet to the side to look at the rest of the stuff in the box.

An envelope was there as well, making her wonder if it was a letter, but when she opened it, she let out a gasp.

"I'm going to kill him." She whispered making Angel giggle.

There was a collection of pictures of Heeseung posing next to a sleeping Rea.

It was different nights and she closed her eyes in embarrassment for a couple of seconds, before continuing to look through them with a small smile.

The last two pictures were at the chateau and the vineyard, with her being actually awake.

The best one was a picture of both of them in their expensive white clothes in front of the brewery, taken by one of the workers.

Her parents watched her as tears came to her eyes and they wondered what was so heart wrenching about these gifts that it made her cry in front of them.

The last thing in the box was the most impactful, and she felt her tears actually fall.

Heeseung's sweatshirt, that he had worn on the night of their second date in the park.

For some reason, this one hit harder than the pictures and the diamonds.

She took it out of the box and stared at it for a bit, before bringing it to her face and just as she expected, his scent was as prominent as day.

"You have a boyfriend we don't know about?" Her father questioned, and Rea waited for a bit, before nodding her head, wiping her tears.

"He's her French fling that isn't French."

Rea rolled her eyes at Angel's description and placed the sweatshirt and pictures back in the box. As she placed the pictures in, she sees something written behind one of their selfies in the chateau bedroom.

Dear little psycho,

I hope you like the gifts. I'm sorry for the pictures, I definitely meant to take more. I knew you would like the bracelet because your tastes are just as expensive as mine. But I know that the one you liked the most was the sweatshirt. The fact that you left your beautiful dolce white dress in my hotel room was the biggest unintentional gift ever, because it smells like you. I was going to return it, but I opted on doing an exchange. I give you something that smells like me and I get to keep something that smells like you. This may sound stupid, but I totally understood what you meant when you said my scent was specific. There's something special about your scent too, because I love feeling like you're next to me.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now