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         She aligned with the wall, she had airbuds on. Georgia and Emily walked through the dark alley. She leaned close to the door of the casino. Aiden was inside with Harold. They blended in.

"Fire," Aiden whispered into the earpods. They were all connected. The crew shot around. Kerman's guards shot back. Violet dodged the bullet. Aiden fell to the ground, used his revolver and shot around.

Kerman held Violet's hair yanking it hard. She winced in pain, kneed him in his stomach. Hills kicked her stomach, she coughed. Kicked her again, she felt blood tickling down the corner of her lips.

Aiden put his hand over Hill's neck, cracked it. Georgia punched Kerman twice, he coughed blood. Someone helped her up. His touch felt weird. She held the hand calculating her moves.

He sent a punch, she dodged it, held his hands and bent it behind his back. Kicked him from behind, he staggered forward. Swung his hand across her face, her lips broke. 

Aiden took the pool stick swept it over his head. Knocked him off.
One was dead.
Hill was dead.

    Robert charged towards Aiden with a dagger. She pushed him aside, slid under Robert with her leg hitting him. He grabbed a stool, Aiden double kicked him sending him to the wall.

Hudson grabbed Aiden's shirt, gave him a good upper cut. Aiden landed on his back at the edge of the pool table after being flung across the room. She gasped.
Emily rushed to help Aiden. Hudson caught her off guard, slammed her face on the table.

She saved her face just in time. He placed his elbow on her neck, took out a dagger about to stab her. She sensed his moves, crossed her legs over his. She slide down the table, out of his torture.

He bent slightly. She twirled on the ground. He fell face down. She stepped on his back.
"Asshole!" She cursed.
Aiden leaped towards his bike.
"V, I can't ride," Violet stopped. She glanced at his leg then his bike.

"Hop on mine," she got his helmet, threw it to him. The others picked his bike n zoomed off.
She saw a red dot on Aiden's shirt. They were cornered. She lost connection with her team.
"Aiden, laser!" She whisper yelled to him. Aiden looked up, couldn't find the person.

"Nobody close," Aiden shifted to the dark. Violet pulled the bike close.
You have to ride and speed off. Aiden please, give me your gun." Aiden passed it to her, got the idea of her plan. Aiden hopped on her bike kicking it to life.
She sat facing the road, backing him. Took the guns and fired around.

"Drive zigzag," she order. He complied, that was the only way to bring them out alive.
She had balance, shot fiercely. They bent to a street, Aiden slowed down, he was hurting. She switched position with him. He wrapped his arms around her waist wincing in pain. She sped off to the Dreads.
     "What kept you two?" Violet took off her helmet. Harold helped him off into the building. Roy didn't state the reason for the mission. She was lost in thoughts barely heard anything Emily said. She got into her car, zoomed off.

Alex sat in his car outside Violet's home. Damien hung on his neck. He got to be done with her and fast. He can't loose his face infront of the Criptons. He's a proud Cripton ready to fight for Sky.
Today was the last day, the last day for the famous Violet Freeman.

The guards nodded to the gateman. He drove into the area. She watched through her window, instructed Anita then left for her room. He got in with a bouquet of lilies, Anita sent him to her room.
Earlier, Alex invited her for dinner. She was dressed in her bathrobe when he came in.
"I'm honoured to have you go out with me," she flashed a smile at him.
A forced smile.

Remind me why I let you in again?

Her smile vanished once she faced the wardrobe. Her hair damp, she held the hair dryer glancing through the wardrobe.

Alex dropped the bouquet on the bed. Sat on the bed and watched her every move. He took note of her room, no weapon in sight. Thi was his chance. He was sure she let her guard down besides he was her only friend. Natalie was dead.

He pulled out the dagger fiddling with it. She didn't notice. She dropped the hair dryer then picked her comb. She glanced at him through the mirror. Sensing her moves, he hid it.

"Where are we dinning?" She asked combing her hair, with her back turned to him. She stepped away from the mirror.
"There's a new place down the street. Heard the meals taste great," he softly said. He saw her shoulder relax, he got the upper hand.

"You know my preferences, Scott. If you need my forgiveness, you know what to do." She glanced behind her. He quickly hid the dagger and grabbed the bouquet.
He found his movement suspicious.
She raised her brows.

"I hate flowers, Alex. You know that." Her tone changed, alarm rushed through her voice. That wasn't a good vibe.
She returned to the wardrobe, rummaging through dresses.

"I'm sorry. I kinda forgot," she sneered.
"Silly you. You desire my forgiveness? I doubt." She felt him step behind her. She felt a surge of chills flowing through her veins.
"What Alex?" She asked alarm gusting through her voice.

"Help you pick your clothes. You look indecisive," he urge closer.
"What are you doing? I found the dress. Step back." A figure covered Alex's nose with a handkerchief. He made muffling sounds, she abruptly turned around ready to punch him.
The figure slit his throat.

Alex dropped dead. The figure was at her window within a few minutes.
"Who are you?" The figure looked familiar. He wore a long hoodie over his face. He stood unmoving.

"You're never mindful of your surroundings, Freeman," she heard a deep voice with thick American accent. She frowned, what did he mean? He jumped out.

Her eyes darted to the dead Alex, searched his pockets for his phone. Getting a hold of it, a notification popped in,

  Five hours left, Scott. Bring her to me.

The text came from someone named Damien. She tore his shirt, gasped aloud. Everything fell into place
The threats.
Her searched room.

He was a Cripton.
She couldn't believe it.
He had a dragon tattoo on his back.
She was with the enemy all along.

She cleaned the blood on her floor. Placed his torn clothes on the floor, she rolled him over it.

Went to the kitchen, Anita left early. She was glad for that couldn't stand her watch her do the unexpected. She got a butcher knife, hurried to her room.
She had a wicked grin, raised the knife......crack.
       Damien received a package, written in blood, 'from Alexander Scott.'
He smirked knowingly, picked it up, tore the seal off. His eyes bulge at the sight and he gagged.
He received a big package of Alex's butchered body.
"Stupid fool!"

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Guys I read a book and damn... it has surpassed my expectations. My best teacher and student romance.

Drums rolls 😹....I present to you

Show me Sensei by tiffanyluvs

I love Kelly 😚♥️
I know I'm crazy... you don't have to tell me 😹

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