Chapter 9

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Catnap went back into Dogday's dog house to see him curled up at the end of the bed, Alya and Angel sleeping in his spot, but they are considerate enough to give him a blanket and keep their hands on his back to assure him they were both still there. "Good kids" Catnap whispered under his breath as he walked passed them with a small smile. He walked downstairs to see the others all passed out on the floor, he smiled towards them too and covered the ones who had kicked off their blankets, and moved Hoppy's head over to her pillow again. Once he was sure the others were comfortable enough with their arrangements only then did he decide to leave to Craftycorn's house. Walking out and closing the door gently behind him as to not wake anyone up he looked around the streets as he walked to Craftycorn. "Peaceful night, but it makes no sense what Crafty's doing" Catnap sighed as he made his way over to her place. He almost rang the doorbell, but stopped a few centimeters away. He then decided to go look around at the windows and check inside that way. As he walked around the house and made his way towards Craftycorn's kitchen window he snuck a peak and saw she was preparing something big in what he assumed was a small cauldron. Catnap watched silently as Craftycorn kept giggling about Dogday this and Dogday that, he wasn't sure but she almost sounded hurt saying Dogday's name. His ears perked at the last sentence that emitted from her mouth. "Dogday won't know what hit em.. he'll be mine after all this time waiting, not Catnap!" She smiled to herself as she hummed. Catnap wasn't having any of that, and ran back to Dogday's dog house. He ran to Dogday's bedroom, and curled up with Dogday until morning. "Please stay safe with me Dogday, and believe me when I tell you that you are not safe right now.." he said as he fell asleep but not before curling his tail around Dogday's arm, and holding his hand as they slept.

The next morning, just as the sun rose up in the sky, Dogday was up, and noticed everyone else still asleep, as per usual. Dogday stretched, and yawned. He got out of bed and immediately shook his fur out, he was tempted to open the blinds, but as their name would have it, they would blind the three others in his room, so he kept them closed as he went down to start on breakfast instead. As he walked downstairs he looked at all his friends sleeping soundly, Picky Piggy was snoring, Hoppy Hopscotch was running in their sleep, Bobby Bearhug was hugging her pillow in her sleep, Kickin Chicken had his arms crossed over his chest as he slept to keep his "cool" appearance, Bubba Bubbaphant fell asleep on a book as always, some late night reading, Dogday smiled and took the book out from under his friend, closed it and put it back on his shelf. He completely skips looking at Craftycorn. Which if he did he would see she is still awake watching him walk towards the kitchen. "Now what to make for us all this morning before school.." he ponders as someone behind him approaches.

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