Chapter 120

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"Oh.. yeah I remember that now" said Bubba recalling the time as kids they were all in Miss Delights classroom doing their work when a dog mascot came in.


"Class, everyone this is Dogday, he's going to be helping me teach you all" Miss Delight told her students as their faces lit up. "Do we get to play with mister Dogday at recess?" one of the students asked making the teacher smile and nod "yes everyone, Dogday will be at recess as well" the kids all cheered as they wanted to spend time with the mascot friend.

End of Flashback

"Wait... so, that Dogday back then, is the same Dogday as now?!" asks Craftycorn in amazement "their voices sounded so different though" said Bubba looking confused. "That's because the CEO would change his voice box a lot to be more appealing to the kids, as kids were mainly welcomed by adults they trusted, they wanted Dogday to be more adult-like for the kids around him" she explained making the critters look horrified. "Wait, so you don't know how old he was when he was turned?" asked Kickin Chicken with his arms crossed. "he was around six or seven.." Miss Delight said with a frown as the critters all looked at her with shocked faces. "Wha.." said Catnap looking towards Dogday's house 'what have I done?' he thought as tears pricked his eyes.

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