Chapter 173

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'Hoppy and Dogday can't catch a break, ever since... that day' Craftycorn thinks as she ran to get a scientist or two to help sew Hoppy back up. 'I wonder how long they been like that, hopefully not too long, seems painful, even if that torso isn't their own' she keeps thinking while looking for a scientist. 'If I can't find one, then I may need to go to Dogday for help, since he knows how to preform surgery' she thinks a bit upset since Dogday's trying to heal, but this is an emergency. After searching the factory and the other labs for scientists Craftycorn is disappointed not having found anyone. 'Guess I have to ask Dogday.. hopefully they won't be too mad at me' she thinks as she walks over to Dogday's dog house. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door with her hoof. A few moments later Bubba appears making Craftycorn a bit confused, but she shakes it off. "Do you know if Dogday is awake.. it's an emergency at Kickin's house Hoppy had a bad dream, and they accidentally pulled their stitches, and now-" the door widens as Craftycorn looked over at Dogday who had just appeared to be waking up. "Dogday, do you think you could help Hoppy?" she asks holding her hooves together as it appears she's begging for the help from the leader. Dogday looked over at Crafty and with a determination in his eyes that nobody's seen in a while he marches out of the house, everyone close behind following him to Kickin's house. 'Don't worry Hoppy, help is on the way'

As they made it to Kickin's house Dogday asks everyone to stay outside while he's with Hoppy, they all nod and wait outside as Dogday goes in to see a horror scene. He steels his nerves and goes over to Kickin and Hoppy, he places his paw on Kickin's shoulder and smiles down at him nodding and allowing himself to sit where Kickin once did "please get the medical kit and sewing kit" he said as Kickin ran off to get them. After a while of searching he finally came back with the kits, Dogday smiles gratefully and without a word gets set to work. Kickin stays nearby, only because he wants to be supportive to Hoppy who's having to undergo the surgery without any pain killers, only the scientists have those. Dogday apologizes every time he hears a whimpers or sees a flinch from Hoppy or Kickin, they both grateful for their leader being there for both of them and helping when needed.

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