Chapter 139

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Killy Willy looked around the cell he was in, very small and cramped for someone his size. 'What is this place?' he thought as he curled up a bit. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out so he just stayed quiet in the cell. 'Why am I unable to speak?' he kept thinking to himself he soon heard the door open and heard a familiar voice. He looked up to the small window that the door had, and saw the CEO staring down at him as he sat curled up in the corner of the room. "Killy Willy" the CEO began 'its William..' he thought, but he couldn't even speak so he just listened to the CEO. After he was told that his voice box would come in a few days, he felt a bit angry about the fact he couldn't speak and do nothing but wait. 'Life unfair..' he thought attempting to growl only to squeak. The CEO laughs as the room started to fill with poppy gas, this stuff Killy Willy hated due to Catnap always using it at naptime. The gas would cause nightmares and to see the room filling up with the poppy gas it made Killy go ballistic. Pounding on the door, walls, ceiling, Killy was not able to escape as he fell unconscious.

The scientists wore gas masks as they walked into the room to retrieve Killy Willy, they used chains to secure him to the table in the lab and started to adjust his voice box, and then started to insert the voice box into Killy Willy. As the scientists finished up, and Killy started to wake up. A growl was heard from the black furred beast in front of them all. As Killy Willy opened his eyes and seen all the scientists around him he growls again, and he starts to let out monstrous roars scaring most of the scientists there, but the CEO seems delighted. "Put him back in his cell" the CEO instructs as the scientist bring him back to his cell.

Killy Willy was back in the cell again staring at the wall. The CEO started to talk again telling Killy about his new life and role, telling him to forget his old life, and that he doesn't need anyone else anymore. Killy laughed a bitter laugh at that, and growled low as the CEO left to go talk to the others.

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