Chapter 88

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"Sunshine, what's got you so nervous to be around kids? I often see the others trying to bite the kids around here, you're different from them" Dogday said smiling down at the small critter in his arms. Sunshine looked up at Dogday recalling the painful memory...


Sunshine was different from the other small critters living in the tunnels. They often spent their time running around other Dogday models like themself at the time, always acting like the soft little plushie they were meant to be around the children who came in and giggled petting the soft plushies around them. Sunshine would often watch from a distance with Moonlight and another Dogday plushie named Jax. One day though had scared the plushies off, and often left them traumatized.

Sunshine was wandering around the poolside waddling up and down the rim of the pool, and barking at a red pool noodle that floated on that water's surface. The little plushie wasn't sure how, or why, but the next thing they knew they were being lifted into the air, and thrown into the pool. Normally plushies could just float, but these plushies were different than other plushies, so Sunshine was instead drowning, slowly sinking under the water they kicked their legs wildly to try and stay above the surface, but it was hard with a waterlogged body. The poor plushie was terrified and with all its might tried to swim to the surface, but as a baby... yes a living baby... they were never taught to swim. Just as the waterlogged plushie started to lose hope to surviving drowning in the pool, its savior, the red pool noodle began to tap against it, the pup with its remaining strength grabbed the pool noodle, and was pulled to safety by Moonlight, Jax, and a few other critters, Bubba and Hoppy. Sunshine was a shaky little mess as they began to waddle over to their friends. Just as they were about to make it over some of the older kids came back to the pool after they explored the prison-like structures that remained for timeouts, and playing cops and robbers in. "Hey, what are you doing out, we thought you ugly little freaks would drown!" one of the girls shouted at the plushies making them all run away. Jax was a bit slow though as one of the kids grabbed him, he yowls as his lower half is torn from his upper body and thrown into the pool. Sunshine had watched it happen, and they still couldn't find the means to save their friend like they were saved. They watched the kid throw Jax into the water and the last thing Sunshine saw was Jax floating into a drain sewer his smiling haunting Sunshine forever as they ran away whimpering with Moonlight, Hoppy and Bubba's plushies led them into the castle away from all the kids" they went ahead and explained what they saw to the other plushies, and the others were mad.

End of Flashback

Sunshine shook in Dogday's arms feeling safe thinking how Dogday reminded them of Jax. They whined knowing they would never see Jax again but Dogday just held them tighter ripping them from the bad memories, and making sure to let Sunshine know they were safe around these kids, and if they tried anything Dogday would gladly walk out of the classroom and bring them to safety. 'Just like Jax would've done' thinks Sunshine.

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