Chapter 183

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The scientists finally got the pool a quarter of the way filled, but they were more curious about the sounds they heard then the pool filling up. They all had heard shortly after the sound had stopped someone had spoken to them to "leave the pool water down" but they couldn't do that. They felt chills going through their backs and got goosebumps as the voice seemed to be raspy, and a bit gargled with what they assumed to be water. They were too scared to actually look in the filter though, scared to look at what really was hiding in the darkness of the waters, but a thought did come to their minds a bit. "Could be a prank by one of the kids" suggests one of the scientists but he others weren't too sure considering that kids can't fit into the filter. "I am worried.. what if our lives are in danger" said one of the scientists but they get an immediate answer of "yes" as the lights shut off, and all they heard were screams and gurgling on what they all assumed was water... the lights turned back on and the scientists all lay in a pool of their own blood, chunks of flesh was torn from their faces, scalps, arms, and legs. The blood leaked down the side of the pool and into the water just as more orange, yellow, and brown fur falls into it.

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