Chapter 113

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As Catnap ran out of Dogday's house Sunshine and Moonlight were still outside watching, as they saw Catnap run out crying getting a bad feeling, they ran after the cat. Catnap ran past his house and near the gazebo they had set up. Catnap ran behind the gazebo where he hoped nobody would notice him, but of course he was noticed. Sunshine somehow got on top of the gazebo and him being a dog wasn't sure how to get down. Moonlight jumped up next to Sunshine perfectly fine and ready to jump down if they had to. Sunshine barked to get Catnap's attention but the purple cat was crying too hard to hear anything. Sunshine then jumped down accidentally landing on Catnap's head and falling onto its back shaking its fur off before smiling up at Catnap. Catnap looked at Sunshine with a straight face as tears poured down his face. "Uh.. Catnap?" Catnap looked at the where the voice came from and Bobby stood there. "What is it Bobby?" he asked sniffling, and running tears from his eyes. "I saw you run this way after Dogday talked with you... did he say anything that hurt you at all?" Bobby asked with a frown seeing her friend so upset. "N-No... it's not his fault, it's mine, I told him something he didn't want to talk about, and he broke down crying.. I feel guilty making my best friend cry" Catnap said looking down at Sunshine as Moonlight jumped down next to Catnap's hind paws. He rubbed Sunshine's head but as he looked at Sunshine longer he started to cry again remembering his friend breaking down in front of him apologizing about.. being a failure.. Dogday was never a failure in Catnap's eyes, he was the failure to Dogday. He hurt his best friend, his leader, and possibly his brother. "What.. what happened?" asked Bobby sitting next to Catnap minding his long tail as she gently pushed it out of the way. "Catnap.. he.." Catnap took a deep breathe before continuing "he had a family before... he never told any of us, kept it a secret.." Bobby was shocked. "He always says that secrets are dangerous, and that we shouldn't keep them from each other, yet... HE KEEPS A BIG ONE FROM US ALL?!" Bobby screamed as Catnap covered her mouth. "Bobby.. shh! I don't want him to hear" Catnap said pleading for Bobby to be quieter, to which Bobby nodded. Catnap took his paws off Bobby's mouth and continued "the fact he had a family that he was taken from, and forced to become a big body for this stupid experiment is cruel, he was apologizing to... well, I'm not sure who, but he was talking about not being enough, or being a disappointment to others?" Catnap said looking to be deep in thought. "He was probably apologizing to the family who lost him.." Bobby explains making Catnap look towards him in confusion. "Well, I think if I ever had a family I would also apologize for having to leave them, even if it's not my fault.. I'd feel guilty about having them lose their own child" Bobby said, her voice cracking as tears appeared in her eyes. Catnap gently took Bobby's hand in his own and gave it a gentle squeeze. "It's alright, we will figure out how to get him to open up, remember Miss Delight talked about the counselor office, maybe with the right friends around Dogday can open up about his past" suggests Catnap as Bobby slowly nods her head smiling gently at her friend. "We can try it" she said as they both stayed there Sunshine and Moonlight staring up at both, their faces in confusion towards the two mascots.

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