Chapter 48

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Kicken smiled nervously towards his friends before he told them "I'll be there... w-with Hoppy too..." his voice cracked on Hoppy's name. "Okay.. I guess we will see you there tonight, come on guys" Craftycorn said as she led them away, leaving Kicken on his own as tears started to form in his eyes.

"That was strange" commented Bobby "he often doesn't look that stressed or upset.. wonder what's gotten into him" as she said that Bubba wondered the same thing along the way to Dogday's house.

Dogday was sweeping the floors humming The Smiling Critters intro song. "S-M-I-L-E Everyday-" his singing was cut short as Catnap knocked on the wall to get the dog's attention. The dog smiled towards the cat and reached out his paw. "Dance with me?" He asked the feline as they turned on some music to dance to. The song was gentle as Catnap and Dogday danced around the living room happily in the presence of each other. Alya and Angel finished their homework and watched from the kitchen the two dancing gently with the music, and they smiled seeing Catnap and Dogday so happy with each other.

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