Chapter 118

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Flashback Cont.

As the kid woke up, the light too bright for his eyes, he blinks at the ceiling. 'Did I have a sleepover..' he thought as he slowly got up, he looked at his lap and froze. "Wha..." he noticed the orange fur, the sun pendant, he shook his head only to be smacked in the face by two large fluffy orange ears. "Wha.. wh.." he got up and nearly fell on his face, he stumbled over to a mirror and what looked back at him... wasn't him. As he was about to scream the door opened revealing the CEO and scientists with grab packs. "Wha.. WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" he screamed at the CEO who smirked "now now Dogday, you will learn to accept this life, and learn your role" said the CEO as he walked towards the mascot dog who trembled. "Don't be afraid Dogday, this is just a fun experiment we are trying out.. you'll have more friends in the future" the CEO snapped his fingers and the scientists walked out of the room. "What did you do to me..?" Dogday asks again his voice small and quiet. "I gave you a greater purpose in life, a second chance" said the CEO feeling quick proud of himself for the experiment working. "But.. I thought we.." "don't be ridiculous, we aren't friends, I only wanted to use you so you'll be more compliant, it didn't work as well as I hoped, but it was still something, because now you're perfect" the CEO said as he placed his hand on Dogday's cheek making the mascot flinch. "You'll get used to this life kid, I promise it's not that bad, you'll be well taken care of here, everyone will respect you and love you" the CEO kept trying to make Dogday feel better, but it didn't work as the mascot just started to cry. The CEO got fed up and using a taser he tasers Dogday into compliance. "You are property of Playtime Co. there will be no escaping this fate, you're the new Dogday, and you WILL not speak about this to anyone" he CEO threatened the poor Dogday mascot as the mascot shields their face from being hit. The mascot nods in understanding to the new role he was given. "Good, be ready Dogday, we have a tour coming in later today" the CEO walks out of the room with the taser in hand taunting Dogday.

Dogday was standing near the CEO as the trolley was seen coming down to the Playcare. As the people stepped out Dogday's heart dropped, it was his family... he heard his parents asking the tour guide for any information about his whereabouts, but the tour guide merely shrugged and went on with the tour. Dogday wanted to go say goodbye to his family but he couldn't, he wanted to tell his family he was here, but the CEO had the taser to his back. Dogday watched his family leave on the trolley after the tour, never to be seen again..."

End of Flashback

Present Dogday was sobbing so hard on the couch as the sun rose.

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