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Nadia Baylor, the claimed daughter of Hades was the most talked about person at camp. She went being a nobody to the most famous person at camp. She didn't know it at the time but that would be short lived.

Another year had passed and she learning more about her abilities. Like shadow travel and vitakinesis.

Since Hades doesn't have a cabin at camp, Nadia was forced to stay in the Hermes cabin. She would rather stay in the Ares cabin with Clarisse but Chiron insisted that she'd stay in the original cabin she was in.

Nadia moved her bed to the other side on the cabin so she wasn't by Luke. After last year's capture the flag, they kept getting into fights and she did not want to be near him.

One day Nadia was with Clarisse in the Ares cabin. "Did you hear about the new kid?" Clarisse asked her.

Nadia looked over to her as she was lying on the girls bed while Clarisse was pacing. "The one that killed the Minotaur?" She asked back.

"He didn't kill it. That's a lie being spread around." Clarisse said back to her and she put her hands up and rolled her eyes. "Okay." She whispered.

"What's the kids name?" She asked.

Clarisse looked up her. "I don't care what his name is." She said walking over to her and laying down on the bed beside her. "Someone's jealous."

She bumped her shoulder with Nadia. "Says the girl that's getting replaced with being the most famous person at camp." She said and the older girl laughed.

"I don't give a shit. I'd love that because I hate all the attention." Nadia said. Clarisse smiled. "You love the attention. All the guys and girls have their eyes on you." She said.

Nadia smiled at her. "Like I'd ever go for any of them." She said. "All I need is you." She added.

"Thanks, Nia." Clarisse said.

"Well I should get back to the cabin." She said getting up from the bed. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." Clarisse said. "Bye, Claire." Nadia said and she walked out of the cabin.

Nadia walked back into the Herems cabin and the first person she saw was Luke. He was talking to someone that she didn't recognize. It must be the new kid.

"And here she comes." She heard the annoying voice of Like say. "The fuck do you want Luke?" She asked walking up to them crossing her arms.

Luke smiled at her and looked at the boy. "Nadia Baylor, daughter of Hades. This is Percy Jackson." He introduced.

Nadia looked from him to the boy. "Nice to meet you, Percy." She said to him. He smiled at her. "Nice to meet you too." He said.

Percy seemed like a sweet kid. Such a shame he was making friends with Luke.

"I'm showing him around tomorrow, want to join us?" Luke asked her. Nadia knew he was only being nice to her because of Percy. "Yeah, I'm going to pass on that. I have training I need to do." She said.

"You sure, I can help you train?" Luke asked.

Nadia glared at him. "I don't need help from the son of Hermes." She said and Luke's face dropped. "Careful, Nadia. I don't want this year's capture the flag to happen like the last one."

"What happened with the last one?" Percy asked the two. "Nothing." They said at the same time. By now, Percy could sense there was tension between the two of them.

"Whatever. I'm going for a walk. Percy it was lovely meeting you. I will talk to you later." She said smiling at him and walking out of the cabin.

Nadia got far out into the woods and all she could hear were the sounds of nature. It was nice. Calming. She needed to get away from everyone.

"What the fuck was that?"

She turned to see Luke walking fast to her. "What was what?" She asked innocently with a smile. "You know what." He said.

Nadia shrugged her shoulders. "I was just being nice to Percy and then you had to make your comments." She said. "I didn't make any comment, you did. It's like you're trying to get me mad." Luke said.

Nadia slowly walked up to him with a smile on her face. "It's what I do, darling." She said putting her hand on his arm.

He looked down at her hand and grabbed it. He looked in her eyes. "And what else do you do?" He asked leaning down. She looked at his lips.

"This." She said twisting his arm and kicked his feet from underneath him. She let go of his hand and grabbed his face and leaned into him. "Seduction is a tricky thing." She whispered in his ear.

"But I know how to do it just fine." She said pulling her head back and looking at him. Luke grabbed her waist and pulled her down on the ground and put all of his weight on her.

"I bet you didn't see that coming." Luke said and Nadia smiled. She looked up the sky and it started to dark. "Shit." Luke said and Nadia disappeared.

Luke stood up and looked around the woods. "Nadia! Nadia!" He shouted but gave up. He knew she was long gone.

She knew it was getting dark and she knew he would follow her. "She did see it coming." Luke whispered to himself as he walked back to the cabin.

After he got back he saw Nadia in bed already sleeping. He walked over to his bunk. "So how'd it go?" Chris asked. Luke stared at him.

"She disappeared didn't she?" He asked and Luke nodded his head and Chris laughed. "Sorry, it's funny that you keep falling for it." He said patting his back and getting into his bed.

Luke got into his bed and stared at Nadia.

He would get her back tomorrow.

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