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Nadia walked out to the border and saw Percy and Grover standing there, watching Annabeth over by the tree.

"Creeps." She said standing next to them. They both jumped and turned their heads to her. "I didn't even hear you. How long have you been here?" Percy asked her.

"Like not even ten seconds and I'm light on my feet." Nadia said, crossing her arms. They looked back at Annabeth. "She's really gonna miss that three, huh?" Percy asked. 

"When Annabeth first arrived her with Thalia and Luke, they were being chased by monsters. Agents of Hades. Sisters." Grover explained.

"Furries. Mrs. Dodds?"

"Yes! One was our algebra teacher. Alecto. Thalia turned back to fight to buy her friends some time. Her satyr protecter tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen." He said.

"So at the last moment... Zeus intervened to save her life and... changed her form." Percy looked at him. "The most powerful being in the universes best idea to save his daughter's life... was to turn her into a tree?"

Nadia watched as Annabeth walked over to them. "She was the bravest demigod I ever knew. She fought valiantly and she met a hero's fate."

"She met a pinecones fate." Percy said, pointing to the tree. Nadia put her hand over to her mouth to try and hold in her laugh.

"Forbidden children are always in danger, even strong ones, even Thalia. And you are not Thalia. Do exactly as I say and maybe you survive this. Are we clear?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes ma'am." Nadia said.

Annabeth turned around and started walking. "Does she think she's in charge?" Percy asked as the three of them started walking.

"Who did you think would be in charge?" Grover asked. "I guess I assumed we'd do a show of hands or something." He said to him.

Percy looked at Nadia. "You're the oldest, besides Grover, no offense." He said and she looked at him. "That doesn't matter, she's the smartest." Nadia said walking away from them and walking next to Annabeth.

They got a taxi into the city and they walked around to get tickets for a bus. Grover and Percy sat on one side and Annabeth and Nadia sat of the other side of the aisle.

A man walked out of the bathroom and walked passed them. "There is no way this is what sacred smells like." Percy commented.

"We're soldiers on a mission. It's not a vacation." Annabeth replied. "Thank you for clearing that up. But if this is so important, why didn't Chiron spring for plane tickets?" He asked.

He looked between all of them. "This seems kind of low priority, doesn't it?" He asked. "Sorry, I assumed someone had told you." Grover said.

"Tell me what?"

"Percy, it isn't just the monsters who are gonna be trying to stop us. You're a forbidden child. Zeus might decide to take a shot at you himself. The sky is his domain. We'd be serving you up on a silver platter to try to travel through it."

"Yeah. No one mentioned that."

"Am I just a no one?" Nadia whispered to Annabeth and she looked at her. "You're not, Nadia. It's different. You're in the least danger. Percy is the number one target." She said.

"Gee, that makes me feel so much better." Nadia said leaning her head on the window and looking at the view.

After a while the buss stopped at a gas station. "Okay, I'm gonna go get us some snacks." Annabeth said, standing up. Percy started to sit up. "Okay, I'll come with you." He said.

She turned and put her hand on his shoulder. "No, you'll stay right there." She said as he sat down. "Why? It smells terrible back here."

"Monsters can't smell you through that, so that's where I want you." She told him. "I wanna vote. Who thinks we should all go get to breathe fresh air and buy our own snacks?" Percy asked, raising his hand.

"There's no voting. Chips and sodas okay for you guys?" She asked and Nadia nodded. "I don't think you should just get to decide we don't vote." He said.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Okay. I want to vote on whether you get to decide we don't vote." He said and both Nadia and Annabeth rolled their eyes. "Grover, please, can you help your...friend."

She was cut off by Grover clapping. "We really don't want to be a tiebreaker. I have a better idea. Oh golly, the roads gettin' bumpy cause I got me some friends who just can't get along. Oh dear! When the team's getting grumpy, the trick go gettin' through it, is singin' this song." Grover sang.

"Dude, what are you going?" Nadia asked him.

"It's the consensus song. Verse two encourages us to say nice things about each other. You get a few rounds in and you'd be amazed at how disagreements just kind of." He said shrugging his shoulders.

He looked at Annabeth and Percy. "Fade away."

"Chips and sodas okay for you guys?" She asked and they nodded. "Whatever." Percy said. "Yes, please." Grover said. "Thanks babe." Nadia said and Annabeth walked off of the bus.

"Our voting systems broken." Percy said.

Nadia chuckled and they looked over at her. "No, you're just stupid. Annabeth is trying to help you, you just can't see that." She told him.

Percy looked back at Grover. "Monsters can't be avoided entirely. They're more common than you think. The trick is to spot them first before they spot you." Grover started to explain.

"It's true they are more likely to sense a more powerful demigod. A child of the big three, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades is at the most extreme risk. But it isn't your power, exactly, that draws them. It's more complicated than that." Grover said.

"They smell fear." Percy said.

"No, you idiot. That's bee's." Nadia said.

"What a monster senses kinda depends of the monster. Some are better at sensing your inadequacy. Some, your need for glory, your shame. It's important that if you've ever gotta confront one... wherever your armor is weakest, that monsters probably coming right for it. Nothing will stop them, not even death."

Nadia was playing with her bracelet while Percy and Grover were talking about the song. "Look I'm not against the idea of consensus, I'm just not sure the song is doing what you think it is, is all." Percy told Grover.

"Guys, you need to open that window! Now!" Annabeth yelled and they looked at her. Nadia stood up and put on her back pack.

"I don't think these windows are supposed to—" Grover started but looked at what Annabeth was looking. "Oh no."

Grover was saying 'go' over and over again as they got up to the back of the seat and tried to open it. They managed to get it open and it fell and shatter on the ground and the bus alarm went off.

"Everyone leave your belongings and exit the front of the bus." The driver said and all the humans started to get off. "Annabeth, let's go!" Percy said.

A fury screamed and flew in from the window knocking Nadia to the ground. It turned to Percy and Grover. "Hey!" Annabeth shouted and it looked her way and she threw her knife at it and the fury disappeared.

Annabeth ran and grabbed the knife and helped Nadia up. "We're done here. Let's go." She said as the two girls walked past Percy and jumped out of the window.

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