22. No parents

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This past weeks has been nothing but adventures

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This past weeks has been nothing but adventures. Everyday we were going out to swim in the beach or going to town to buys ice cream and went to restaurants to eat.

I don't the guys were thinking of getting payback as they haven't done anything yet. But, god did they prove me wrong today. Especially when I woke up in the goddamn pool, floating in an air mattress with my triplets.

I'm guessing I was too tired to wake up from my sleep and had let my guard down. And guess what?

The six fucking idiots were filming us laughing their assess off and smirking like they won. I was pissed would be the least.

"Wake the fuck up idiots." I shouted at the three fuckers who were in deep sleep, who so happened to be sharing wombs with me for nine months.

"Just five more minutes, baby sis." Luca mumbled and wrapped his arm around my neck snuggling into me still asleep.

"Why are you waking me up. That's my job." Lio grunted with a frown as he rubbed his eyes. He adjusted his eyes to the sunlight and looked around till he realized where he was.

His eyes widened and that's when he saw the six fucking bitches were still laughing. What did I do to get such horrible brothers?

He glared at them giving them death glares.

"Wake the fuck you dumb fucks." Lio grumbled pushing Luc's arm off him that was laid on his stomach and Luc's hand landed on the pool.

"Fuck." Luc groaned and woke up with furrowed brows looking at his wet hand then us and then around him.

Luca woke up to and sat up staring blankly at us then looked around like the rest of us did.

"What the fuck?" Luc grumbled still confused and then it dawned on him.

"You fucking bitches!" He yelled with a death glare. That didn't affect them as they just gave us the middle finger and left casually walking away while talking together.

Without a second thought the three fuckers dipped into the pool without so much as thinking of their clothes getting wet. They swam away leaving me stranded.

"Hey! Come back and help me." I yelled after them as they got to the side of the pool. They shared a confused look before a smirk stretched slowly to their faces as if they just figured it out.

"Why don't you swim, twinny?" Lio called out with that stupid smirk of his. I glared at them narrowing my eyes to slits.

"Yeah. It's not that hard Lucy. Just jump and use your hands and feet." Luc said and I could see them stifling their laughs. My glare hardened.

"Come on, baby sister. Come to big bro." Luca said and that broke them all into laughter. They're so fucking dead once I get them.

Without hesitating, I jumped into the pool and popped my head back up. Their eyes were wide almost like they were about to pop out of their sockets. I gave them an evil smirk.

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