27. Pathological liar

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I would rather be know in life
as a honest sinner, than a
lying hypocrite

Vinezio and Angelo went with the other guards on the other SUVs as they're not going to protect only me tonight, but also my family

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Vinezio and Angelo went with the other guards on the other SUVs as they're not going to protect only me tonight, but also my family.

I didn't realise it but stepmom, stepsister and soon to be sister-in-law were all coming too. I don't know what will happen but what I do know is that shit is going down tonight.

We got out the car as it came to stop and started walking in once everyone was out. Dad had to wrap his arm around stepmom as she was clinging to him and paparazzi were everywhere.

Getting out of the view of the paparazzi and into the restaurant. A worker walked over to us and asked us to follow her politely.

We were taken to a private room and we all sat down while the female waitress left.

Chatter started around the long table as everyone dispersed into their own little conversation. I talked with my triplets, Ami and Aly as we waited for our orders to arrive.

The food arrived soon and we all started eating. As I was about to take a bite from mine, stepmom decided to open her shit full of mouth.

"Lucia, dear. Are you sure you can finish all of that?" It went quiet as everyone's eyes set on her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked my voice even. I was shaking inside with anger.

"I mean," she laughed nervously with all the attention on her. Everyone was glaring and staring with disbelief. "You could a bloated stomach."

"And? I don't see how that's any of your concern." Dad said with a could voice as his eyes darkened.

"Honey. U was just-." She started but got cut off by Dom.

"You shouldn't have said anything at all." He seethed.

"Domenico. Don't talk to your mother like that!" Fernanda snapped at Dom with a glare.

"Who the fuck are you to speak? You're only here because of a nightstand, that doesn't mean you're apart of the family." Dami snarled at her, always having his twins back.

"Baby. Aren't gonna teach your brothers some manners?" Fernanda whined as she turned to Nico who sat on her ext.

He had a dangerous look on his face and this is the first time I'm seeing him angry.

"You shouldn't have spoken if you can't speak for yourself. And he's not wrong." Nico said with a scarily calm voice. His jaw was locked and eyes dark, almost the shade of black.

Fernanda gave him an are you kidding me look, only getting a death stare back.

"We're just giving advices. No need to make a deal out of it." Fernanda said, more like screaming.

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