I'm single, I can do anything

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It's been a week. Jenna does not speak to me at all. She's still mad. Jenna used to visit me sometimes in the evening and we used to makeout on couch. Now, all I do is sit on my couch and watch sad movies.

"You need to move on from her", Lily said.
How did she find out about me and Jen? Did someone tell her?
"Of course, I know, friends do not kiss each other on the lips and you guys were too cuddly", Lily said.
"I miss her, Lily."
"I know you do."
"She won't even talk to me now."
"But what exactly happened?" Asked Lily.
It would be weird to tell my sister about what really happened. She's too young.
"All I can say is that Jen doesn't believe me and she believed someone else who talked bullshit about me."
"Jenna is in the wrong here. She should believe you and no one else.", said Lily.

Honestly, I'd be mad too if I was in Jen's shoes. And there's no way I can make up for it.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it. To my surprise, it was Jenna.

"Jen.." I tried to hug her but she didn't let me.
"I'm here only because I needed to return the doll's dress to your sister. Where is she?" Said Jenna.
"But, Jenna atleast tell me how to make up for it. I'd do anything." I said.
"Katherine, I just need your sister, where is she?"
"Lily?" She called.
"Oh hey, Jenna." Lily came.
"Hey. The dress-"
"Yeah okay. Why don't you come and sit? Let's play with the doll again?" Said Lily.
Lily really wants us to make up.
"That's okay, Lily, maybe some other time."
"No, you have to come inside! I'll bring the doll!" Lily insisted.
Jenna looked at me.
"Okay, I guess I can hangout for a while." Said Jenna.

I don't want her to go. I want her to stay..with me..forever. I have to do something to make her stay. This is my chance. And we're alone in the hallway.

"Jen, please talk to me."
She didn't look at me.
"Jen, you're the most beautiful, sexiest, sweetest girl I know. I do not want to be with someone else."
"You have no option but to be with someone else now, Katherine." Said Jenna.
"I know what it looked like with Elena. But trust me, she was forcing me to suck on her tits and finger her. She's strong, Jen." I told her the whole story.
"Really? Why would Elena do that? Couldn't you come up with a better story?" Jenna said.
"It's true, Jen. She was mad that you chose me over her. She was trying to kill me, suffocating me to death on her tits." I explained.
"One does not die on boobs, Katherine."
"One does. Her tits are enormous."
"I do not want to hear you talk about her boobs, please." Jenna said.
Why am I talking about Elena's boobs!? God!

"I'm gonna go." Said Jenna as she left.
Lily brought her doll but Jenna was gone.

The next day in school, before the class started, I saw Jen and Elena interact. I could hear them a little.
"I'll teach you how to play a piano, Jen." Elena told her.
"Sure, it's always cool hanging out with you." Said Jenna.
So Jen is mad at me but not at Elena? The girl who broke us apart?!

Jenna and Elena were not in the English class that day. I assumed Elena was giving her piano lessons. Or was something else?
"Ms Rachel, Elena and Jenna are not in the class." I said.
"Well, isn't Jenna your girl, Katherine? You should be knowing her whereabouts." Ms Rachel said.
Everyone laughed, except me.
"But, we cannot start without them! Should I go out and get them?" I asked.
"I'm not bothered about them. Wait, are you worried that your girl is with someone else right now? You're so insecure, Katherine!" Said Ms Rachel.
Yeah, she was definitely enjoying all of this. She wasn't wrong. I was worried.
"You're not allowed to get out until the class is over." Said Ms Rachel.
I'm worried about Jen. What if Elena is trying to kill her now?

I got out as soon as the class ended. Jenna was nowhere to be found. Piano room was empty, playground was full of kids I didn't know.

"Hey, aren't you Katherine?" A random girl from the playground approached me.
"Yeah..who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Caroline, one year junior than you."
"Oh, okay. Have you seen a blonde girl wearing pink ribbons?" I asked.
"No, I haven't. Can you describe more? What are her tits like?" Caroline said, with a smirk.
"Excuse me?" I said.
"I heard you're very lustful for girls. You know if you're interested, you and I can have lots of fun together. You know what I'm talking about." Caroline said.
"I do not have time for this" I said.
The word got out. People who I don't even know are finding out about the whole Jenna and Elena thing. Caroline is very pretty. Redhead, her nipples must taste like cherries. It's hard to stop the temptation I get when I see hot girls. But none of these girls are like Jen.

"Look at you staring like that. I'd love to sit on your face." Caroline whispered.
She's standing too close! She smells like vanilla. I was trying to find Jenna but now all I can think of is a pussy in my mouth.
"Caroline, I-"
"It'll be quick. C'mon!" She said.
"Caroline, I can't. I like Jenna and I'm looking for her. You're beautiful and I'm sure you'll find someone." I said.
It was hard to say this. I haven't tasted a pussy in a long time. I guess that's why Caroline's offer is tempting.
"So, are you guys dating?" Caroline asked.
"We were. She broke it off with me due to some misunderstanding." I said.
"What a jerk. You'll find someone much better than her." Caroline said.
Wait, I am single. And it is a bit wrong of Jen to not see through Elena's bullshit. She chose not to believe me, but she believed her. How could she not trust me after years of friendship with me?

"You know, Caroline, let's do this."
Caroline smiled seductively, pulled my hand and directed me towards a tall banyan tree in the ground.

I don't care where Jen is right now, I don't care what she's doing with Elena. I've warned her about Elena so many times and she chose not to believe me. So she deserves the consequences.

The tree looks old and abandoned. No one was around. We found some broken wine bottles.
"Our teachers, they drink here after school ends. We're such a trouble to them, so they need to." Said Caroline.
I laughed.
Caroline pulled me by my collar and we kissed.
This feels so different from kissing Jen. But, I'm single now and I'm allowed to do anything.

A part of me was still worried about Jenna. I was just angry because Jenna refused to believe me and I had no choice but to try moving on.

I grabbed her nipple with my fingers.
"Ah~! Katherine!" Caroline moaned.

Caroline is tiny. This is turning me on.

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