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I heard Caroline's voice vaguely through my thoughts.
"Why is Jenna with a guy?"
"You messed up so bad that she turned straight?"
"I didn't mess it up, it was her."
"So, she likes both the parties?" Caroline asked.
"I thought that was a past thing..why a guy.."
"Exactly my thoughts, Kat. You chose her clone, on the other hand, she chose a different breed."
"I'm going to ask her right now." I got up to run towards Jenna but Caroline stopped me holding my hand.
"Let me go!"
"No, Kat. Have some self respect. She should be the one following you around."
"But I'm the one who broke it off!"
"Are you sure you want to be the first to talk? She hasn't texted you in two weeks!" Caroline said.
"So what!? Let me go. Are you stopping me because you love me?" I asked.
Caroline let go off my hand as soon as she heard the word "love".

I'll deal with Caroline later.

"Jenna!" I yelled out loud, running.
She heard me and turned around.
"Oh, hey." She said without looking me in the eye.
"Was that Samuel just now?" I asked.
"Why did he kiss you?"
"We are dating, that's why. Not that it's any of your business."
"It is my business. Jenna, you're mine."
"I'm not. We broke up, remember?" She said.

It hurts. I didn't break up with her for her to date someone else. What hurts the most is that she seems fine with all of this. She has an "I don't care anymore" expression.

"Jen, do you not love me anymore?"
She didn't say anything.
"And why a guy?"
"I had boyfriends before you. You're the only girlfriend I had." Jenna replied.
"Do you like him?"
"Maybe, I do. He's nice." She said.
"Jenna, I miss you. Did you not miss me? You didn't talk to me for 2 weeks." I said.
"You didn't either."
I held her face.
" don't belong to Samuel. You're mine." I said, desperately.
"This will never work out, Kathy. My mother would never approve of us. I don't have to hide a relationship from her if I'm with Samuel."
" you're with him because of your mother?"
She was quiet.
"Just because of your mother, you're suddenly sucking a dick?"
"Kat! Don't talk to her like that, c'mon now." Caroline said from somewhere in the park.

I thought she left. Why does she have to interfere!

"Oh good! You're hanging out with your new girlfriend." Jenna said.
"Jen, we're not..we're not dating." I clarified.
"Sure, you're not."
"No, it's true. We're not. She loves you, Jenna. That's what she tells me everytime." Caroline said.
Jenna stared at Caroline for sometime, and then at me.
"Jen, I'll talk to your mother." I said.
"No, you don't know her. And she likes Samuel." Jenna said.
"Why did Samuel take you out anyway? He knew that you and Kat love each other. He is the problem." Caroline said.
"Look, Kathy. I should go." Jenna walked away.

"I really think she's with Samuel just to impress her mother." I said.
"I agree. But, she could also just stay single."
"A girl like Jenna cannot be single for so long. If not Samuel, Karla would've taken her." I said.
"Has she ever sucked a dick before?" Caroline asked.
"What kind of a question is that! When she dated guys, we were very young. She has only kissed them." I said.
"I was just wondering! Can't a mind wonder? She'll soon miss being between a girl's legs. It feels like magic!" Caroline said.
I held her head and kissed her.

I know, it is random. But I'm so grateful for her friendship. Is it not okay to kiss your friends on the lips?

She was confused but she kissed me back.

"Thank you, Caroline, for supporting me. I don't know what I'd do right now without you." I said.
"Stop kissing me, Kat. You know that I love you and it hurts to know that I can never have you." She said.

I never expected her to feel these emotions in the first place. I always thought that she's some emotionless sex addict.

I hugged her.
"Just know that, if there was no Jenna, it would've been you." I said.

Did I say the same thing to Kristine? What is wrong with me!?

"Then I better kill her." Caroline said.
I looked at her with my narrowed eyes.
"I'm joking, Kat!"

I think I should talk to Jen's mother about it behind her back. This is 21st century, she would understand it, right?

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