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"You shouldn't get involved, Kat."
"You are the only one putting efforts. Look at Jenna, she's already moved on." Caroline said.
"I guess you're right."

Everything was going in the opposite direction. I had lost my girlfriend and my bestfriend.

We both have terrible mothers. My mother cheated on my dad when I was only 7. I caught her making out with her coworker while my dad was late from work on a Friday. He had visited us as a guest, I was focused on watching TV, until, I walked to the kitchen to grab a snack. I saw them kissing on the dinner table. Though I was 7, I knew what she was doing was wrong. She wasn't supposed to do any of that with anyone except my dad. She tried to convince me that they were just friends and I shouldn't be telling dad about it. I remember asking her if it was okay for me to do the same with Jenna. She was surprised and immediately said,"NO!". I told my dad everything and he believed me. She's now married to her coworker and I haven't seen her in years. I don't even want to see her. My step-mother is completely opposite of her. She's sweet, supportive and loyal to my dad. I love her. Lily doesn't know about our real mother. She was too young, and we never told her. Jenna always made me feel better during all of this. She'd hug me and say,"Kathy, you can always come and cry on my shoulder. I wish I could do something for you."
"Just hug me, Jenna. I don't know how to feel." I would say.
I was devastated. Dad found my now step-mother after 3 years of staying single. He used to be depressed and I had to take care of my little sister for most of the time. Jenna would visit but she was not allowed to stay for a long time because of her mother. Our mothers were bestfriends too and her mother sided with my mom.
"Her dad couldn't satisfy her needs, that's why she cheated. I don't blame her." She would say, that's what Jenna told me.
My mother is in a different city now, so, they don't hangout anymore. But during initial days when my mom left dad, she wanted Jenna to stop hanging out with me. But we didn't stop. "I'd let her scold me if that's what it costs for us to hangout. Kathy, we'll be bestfriends, forever."

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