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Hi guys I'd really appreciate it if you voted for this story. Its literally my first:) Anyway Have a happy end month tomorrow.....so here. I'll update anytime am free

Blake's POV.

When dad called me to his office this morning I didn't know what I was expecting. Nowadays he didn't call us to his office, he just worked on his own. I took a breathe and entered.

"You called?" I questioned sitting down. Dad nodded affirming and pointed to a sit so I sat.

"Remember John Pennyworth?" He asked. I took a while to reload. Yes I remembered a teenage rascal who had trespassed into one of our territories. We understood it was a mistake well until he picked up a disk that had fallen mistakenly from one of our men's briefcases. The disk contained all our transactions and business deals and if the kid was a genius he had probably figured out the Miguel's are not just the richest businessmen in California. I nodded and looked at dad. He sighed and pushed a couple of papers in my direction.

"I found him." He said uninterested. I looked through the file but only one name caught my eyes.

"Son to Denvan Pennyworth?" I sighed and looked at dad. "The family is cursed to cross paths with us huh?" I asked dad. He grunted a response and I knew he wasn't happy at all.

"What do you think we should do? I mean didn't he and the witch get a restraining order against us?" I asked. Dad looked up.

"Yes but they divorced. I don't know where Martha went eventually but I haven't heard of or seen my son for twelve years and I guess its time to get revenge on the bastard." Said dad angry. My brothers and I knew dad started having anger issues after the court ordered for our mother to take custody of our younger brother after the divorce. I was only eight then but I knew enough to know my parents divorced because my mother cheated on my father with a local school teacher and had the audacity to marry him after the divorce. After five years of searching the social services woman told us our then nine year old brother could not be traced and since our mother was in rehabilitation for addiction, it was suspected our brother was under custody of Denvan. When we finally tracked Denvan down, all he could say was our brother was as good as dead and that was the last time dad ever called us to his office. He spent days crying and angry and I felt for him. I was only fifteen but I still remembered the electric blue eyes and blonde hair of our smallest prince. He was the heart of the whole family and his supposed death affected us all in our own ways.

Ben didn't realize it but he kept whimpering in his sleep and screaming Arnold's name over and over again. I fell into depression watching my father fall apart. Chris became cold and distant though he was only six when Arnold went with mom. Cain tried to hide behind his chirpy personality. Dennis and Daniel who were only seven when he went were the closest to him. They just could stop asking about him until they got to ten and understood the meaning of divorce. Eventually we all accepted the death of our angel even before he properly learned to talk. He was a slow bloomer and couldn't walk till the age of four and even then we supported him.

"Dad I don't think Arnold would....."

"Don't!" His voice was cold and angry I knew not to push him further.

"What's the plan to get the disk?" I asked. He smirked .

"We enter the school and shoot that will teach Denvan the family he keeps messing with and that child of his." Said dad angry. I nodded.

"Then we get the disk from his son after at least shooting one if his legs." He said.

The plan went well, but we didn't shoot John. It was easy to get him give us the disk with a gun pointed at his fathers head and another at his. We got it from his locker and ordered the principle to evacuate the school which Denvan did quickly fortunately. The students left screaming but Denvan promised not to involve the police and lie about fireworks or something. That was good enough for dad but he managed a good punch at Denvan for stealing his wife. Then another for his son but Denvan tensed up when dad mentioned Arnold but he fearfully took the punches like a good little pup. He also was not to involve any law men about us breaking the restraining order or he would die. We walked out content but getting to the hallway we heard whimpers like a boy crying. It was from the janitors closet. I dad and I listened for a while before he kicked the door open only for it to land beside a frail figure bent over his knees and sobbing uncontrollably.

"He's about to pass out, boss should we kill him?" Asked Jack one of our men beside dad. Dad was about to respond when I spotted something I never spotted before. My eyes welled up as hope blossomed in me.

"Look at his neck dad,,,,the tattoo!!" I said excited and dad seemed to see it finally.

"Jack leave!" Dad bellowed and Jack left immediately. One glimpse of the tattoo and even dads men knew he was the lost Miguel. Dad got him that tattoo when he was five and in moms custody hoping to find him one day. Without thinking, dad bent down and picked him up with a huge smile. He carried him bridal style as the boy in his arms was already passed out and looked malnourished. When his shirt slid up slightly you could see all the scars on his lower abdomen and that got me worried. Did mom not take care of him? She begged for his custody! Dad let out a low growl when he saw part of the scars and started towards the exit. I didn't know if it was a good idea. I mean, when Arnold left he could barely speak. How sure were we he'd remember us. He had grown handsomely. As thin as he was I could still see his lean build and his full pink lips. I bet he would break lots if hearts in the mafia world.

"Let's go home tesoro.....its time you meet your family." Dad whispered softly to the unconscious lad.

"Dad we don't know whose custody he is in! It could get us in trouble." I tried to speak sense into him. As much as we all missed Arnold to the core, we couldn't risk investigations into our businesses because of a kidnap. Dad did not look back he just kept walking towards the door.

"Come on love, no one will get us in trouble, you forgot we rule this city." Dad spoke proudly. Did he just call me love? Five minutes with Arnold and our warm loving father was back. I sighed and nodded trying hard not to think of consequences right then. After all, I had a meeting at our club at two that day. We got in our car and drove back home . Dad tucked Arnold in his old bedroom. He always liked gold when he was younger. That is how he got the title Mafia Prince from us. I wonder if he would still remember those parts of his past. His weight and how he fainted suggested he was very weak and we had to fix that soon. No brother of mine would be labelled weak on my watch. He had a piercing on his left ear and seemed to wear a bit of make up too. I wanted to know everything about him the moment he whimpered in his sleep and fell into deep slumber after I put him down. I already loved my youngest brother.

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