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Clarence POV

Arnold is a bitch..

Arnold deserves to rot in hell...

Arnold does not deserve me at all.....

Arnold isn't even that pretty...

I knew they were all lies, complete lies but I needed to reassure myself, as much as I knew constant reassurance can't mend a Brocken heart. I was broken, that much was true. It wasn't easy deciding to Let Arnold follow his dreams and even support him. Then I came to Australia just to see him, tell him I support him, tell him I still love him. I had never moved on! I loved Arnold too much. I was wrong, he doesn't love me. After all, this was the first night I was here and I see THAT, how many times had he played around?

I was so excited to see Arnold once again, who wouldn't be? I was extremely excited and I had even planned a hotel to stay in for a month or two. Unlike Arnold, I went to campus in Italy and studied Business and engineering, now I owned my own tech companies in some countries around the globe. Of course my mother had provided the capital as a way of asking for my forgiveness for the treatment I received over the years. I had not completely forgiven them, but it was a start. At twenty two I was a well known CEO in Italy and the States. I had planned to start a project in Australia to be closer to Arnold as he finished his degree but that was not going to happen. Or I would just start the project and manage it from Italy. Tears freely fell from my eyes as I kept driving. What about the surprise I had for him? I thought he wanted it, I thought he wanted me.

Well you thought wrong.

My brain reprimanded me. I was in constant fear of rejection since childhood. Someone rejected by their own family would know, and now this. I honestly felt like a piece of shit. The road became too blurry as tears kept cascading down my cheeks so I packed on the side. I thought about everything that happened in the four years Arnold left. He never informed me he would leave the next week after we got the information. I literally fell into depression and I had to see multiple therapists who were as good as I had recovered. I forgave him, he had to chase his dreams and I had to support that. I wanted to make him proud. My fear of rejection drove me to start my own companies at twenty,  I did not want him to reject me because I did not have enough money. I tried my hardest and earned billions. I hoped he would love me then, he did not even remember me. His fathers told me he needed space, I did not contact him and though it was killing me, I was doing it for the love of my life. Two weeks back, Jordan finally gave me Arnold's address after I begged for it and promised I wouldn't slap their son or yell at him. I wanted to surprise him, I did everything for him.

The pain in my chest only got worse. I took my phone out and dialed the hotel services immediately.

"Hello Mr Clarence?" I sighed as I tried to remember why I called.

"Can you book me a plane that is leaving for Italy as soon as possible?" I asked. I heard clicking meaning he was checking.

"Yes sir,  there is a plane that leaves at 5:00 am, its the earliest because the international airport does not have night planes." He said. I nodded and looked at my phone. It was almost midnight.

"Should i book it?" The man asked.

"Yeah please do, first class, three seats." I said. He immediately started clicking and in about five minutes he cheered.
"Done sir." He exclaimed proud of himself.

"Good, thank you, is my....is my son asleep?" I questioned. It pained me to think of the surprise I had for Arnold, he always talked about us having a baby of our own, the day I visited the orphanage I had built and saw Miles, I knew he was the perfect baby. Apparently his mother had left him at the entrance just a day or two after birth and he had stayed in the orphanage for two years. They had named him already so I just made his birth certificate have my name. He was the cutest bundle of joy and even if Arnold wouldn't support me, I would definitely take care of him alone.

"Yes sir, the nanny is still at the hotel room,she will leave at your arrival." He said making me remember I asked a question. I smiled.

"Thank you, I will definitely rate the hotel five stars when I get to it." I said and after he thanked me,hang up. I left the side of the road and kept driving. I had gone to Arnold's campus during the day and asked for him, I was shown the campus hostels where apparently he lived. I wanted to surprise him by staying outside and waiting but I honestly looked like a creep outside the male hostels of a campus. Again after asking around and with some help from Chris I found out he had a best friend called Barney. Barney apparently lived off campus so it was harder finding his apartment. When I did however, I met a person who claimed to be his roommate.

He said Barney had gone with Arnold to a local bar, I left the apartment complex after getting the address of the bar and then I walked into them....no matter how hard I tried to forget the image could not leave my mind. I was only pulled from my thoughts when I realized I was no longer on the road. The car started rolling as it fell down what felt like a hill and the last thing I remember was hitting my head so hard on something before everything went black.

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