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I woke up feeling groggy. The light above me was blinding and I felt like my whole head was going to explode. This place did not look like my room and I was almost scared I was back at the basement. The memories had haunted me even when I was miles away from Jordan and mom. It was like they had made a permanent mark in my head so that I would never forget what they could do to me. I knew I couldn't. I took a deep breathe and the smell of antiseptic and drugs invaded my nostrils making me feel like throwing up. I tried to sit up and realized wires were connected to my hands. I groaned trying to remember how I got to hospital.

Then everything came back. The gala, how I felt sweaty after my speech. Then I remembered Jace. Oh my God, Have needed medical attention and here I was groaning in an oddly comfortable hospital bed. My heartbeat turned erratic as a doctor rushed into my ward room.

"Mr Arnold, you're awake!" He said in disbelief. I scrunched my nose.

"Should i be dead?" I asked looking around. He smiled,making wrinkles to form at the corner of his eyes as he shook his head no.

"Its just earlier than anticipated sir, nothing that dastardly." He laughed. I stared at him. Who still says dastardly?

"How is Jace is he OK?" I asked. He seemed to be wondering who I was talking about before he snapped his fingers as if he had come to a sudden revelation.

"Aah...the blonde? Yes he is absolutely doing fine,  he is even out of the support wards." He said smiling and I nodded. Though I did not understand a word he just said. I just knew Jace had blonde hair and hazel green eyes.

"Where is my family?" I asked still groggy from waking up. Family. I smiled at the sound of that. The doctor smiled.

"Well your dads will be here soon and your brothers are definitely not on their way home to plan you a surprise party after they found out you woke up." He said with a very weird wink. I looked at him and chuckled.

"Am guessing no one involves you in planning for a surprise party." I smiled. He pouted! A doctor actually pouted.

"Yeah, they say I spoil surprises, I say am pretty good at keeping surprises secret don't you think?" He said writing something down. I smiled and nodded. I looked at his name tag.

"Of course you are....Dr Jones." I smiled at him. He seemed pretty convinced and nodded and smiled at me.

"You're my favorite patient Arnold." He said. I chuckled and nodded.

"You're my favorite doctor Jones." I said. He just smiled as he kept noting down something then it hit me.

"Wait, did you just say dads?" I asked. He seemed to realize something and then he frowned.

"O don't think I was supposed to tell you that." He seemed sad. I smiled at him reassuringly.

"Its OK....am not mad and I won't tell anyone, I'll pretend am surprised OK?" I asked to reassure him and he grinned widely.

"Thank you so much....I gotta say, your dads are some eye candy, I almost begged them both to date me." He seemed to think for a while and chuckled. "But my wife will kill me, she wouldn't like that at all." He smiled at some memory. He was funny but his face reminded me of someone I had met before. I just did not know who.

"Well then you shouldn't be looking at gay men don't you think?" I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"Its not my fault am bi kid." He smiled. I nodded. That made sense.

"What time is it?" I asked. He sighed tiredly.

"Its 2am. Gosh Selina wont be happy with me, but am too scared Of your dad to go home without attending to you." He said. I looked at the black bags under his eyes and realized he had been awake for too long. I held his hand and smiled.

"How about this, you bring me some water, and I will take care of my dad while you go home to Selina." I said. His eyes widened.

"Really? What if he gets mad?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I'll deal with him." I said shooing him away. He brought in the water some seconds later and kissed my forehead.

"I owe you one Arnold....thank you." He whispered as he rushed out of the room. I could've sworn I heard him say something like, finally am free. I ignored it until my door creaked open and dad entered stealthily as if afraid he would wake me up.

"Hey love." He whispered. I smiled at dad and nodded.
"Hey dad...its OK you can come in am awake." I said straightening up. Thank God doctor Jones had reduced the wires on my arms. Dad nodded and walked in he stood beside my bed and kissed my forehead and cheek.

"We were so worried about you." He whispered and I could feel the pain in his eyes. I could even see black bags beneath his eyes. I felt sorry and I sighed.

"Am sorry dad it won't happen again." I said. He smiled and then chuckled.

"Like you can control when to pass out." He laughed just as the door opened and another man walked in. About two inches taller than dad and a bit more muscular. His brown eyes glimmered as he watched dad laugh and he confidently strode into the room. He placed a coke on my bedside and my eyes lit up. I love coke. That sounded dirty in my head but oh well. I looked at the man as he held dad in an embrace and handed him a Starbucks cup and I knew it was coffee. He then kissed dad's cheek and looked at me smiling. That was when dad spoke and my heart skipped a beat.

"Arnold honey, this is Jacob Manner, my boyfriend." Dad smiled looking at him and their lips met in a firm kiss.

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