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Arnold POV

After he left I got in my car and headed to my room. I was so lost. I wanted to call him, so I did,but his phone kept forwarding me to voicemail and it was frustrating. I decided to sleep it out then try again the next day. I really was not in the mood to cry on that night but I did, I took some of my roommates vodka and drank the night away. I do not know when I slept but I woke up the next day at around noon. I did not bother to go to class, I wanted to call Clarence and apologize, I had basically cheated on him in front of him. When I tried again however, his phone still forwarded to voicemail. I felt uneasy through out the day and Barney came to check up on me cause I missed classes.

"Are you OK mehn?" He asked concerned as soon as I opened my room door for him. I hesitantly nodded and he sighed as he entered the room. He threw himself on my bed and sat up to face me.

"Just be honest with me...come on bruh! Felix said he suspected you drank some of his vodka! Dude you hate vodka so what's up?" He asked again. I sighed and sat next to him on the bed.

"You probably do not know this but.....am gay." I said letting it out of my chest and feeling better. Barney blinked, then he blinked again. He then burst out laughing like I just said the funniest joke of the millennium.

"Kinda figured that out bro..." He laughed. I scrunched my nose and frowned.

"You knew? H-how?" I asked. He smiled at me sadly.

"Well, I did not know, not until I saw you with that guy outside yesternight...I heard you call him baby and he seemed pretty mad about you kissing that girl at the bar. It isn't rock science to figure out you guys were dating...he kinda left while mad...." He trailed off and seemed to think for a while before his eyes lit up..."wait...is he the reason you're upset?" He asked with a frown. I guess the stare I gave him answered his question because he nodded to himself and shook his head in disappointment.

"Dude, why'd you kiss a girl when you have a mans huh?" He asked clearly frustrated. I looked at my fingers.

"I don't know, I didn't know how you would react to me being gay so I guess it just kinda happened...you know? And now he isn't picking up his calls and I don't even know what to say to him!" I said. He looked at me and squeezed my shoulder lightly.

"You will figure it out...you could ask his parents to talk to him or some....." I stopped him when he said that already excited.

"Barney you're a genius!" I said. He blushed and shrugged.

"I mean...yeah..I am..." He smiled and I chuckled as I dialed the only guardians Jace had....my dads.

It was dad's phone and I hoped he would pick up...it had been three years since I last called home and I hoped they were not still mad at me.

"Arnold?" Maybe i was imagining it but I could have sworn dad's voice broke at the end. Did he miss me that much? I cleared my throat.

"Hi dad...uh...yeah its me.." I said softly. Dad did not speak and so I continued.

"So....Clarence was here in Australia yester...." Dad cut me off coldly.

"We know, we sent him there." He stated. For some reason his tone sent chills down my spine.

"Oh..." Was all I managed to say before I heard a sigh at the other end and a bit of shuffling and then some background noises.

"Hello?" That was Jacob this time. Am guessing dad did not want to talk to me at the moment but that did not matter then, now all I wanted to do was make sure they know Clarence's whereabouts so that I can get him alone and talk to him.

"Hi pops...uh...are you guys fine?" I decided to start with small talk before easing into the part where I cheated on my boyfriend. Pops sighed and I felt like he nodded but realized I couldn't see him because after a few seconds he finally replied.

"Yeah we are...well most of us are.." He mumbled the last part but I still heard it. I nervously chuckled and cleared my throat again. By this time, Barney had sensed the discomfort and had moved to the kitchen,probably to make himself a snack and scroll through social media.

"Dad seems pretty mad at me." I let out a nervous sigh and started playing with the edges of my shirt. Jacob seemed to think for a while and then I heard more background noises and shuffling.

"Maybe you should go help dad with the baby....I'll ....." I did not hear the rest but am pretty sure I heard baby and the voice of who I assumed to be Ben or Blake since I had stayed away so long I couldn't differentiate them. I heard more sounds and Jacob answering the person who spoke.

"Its OK I'll be right there, keep him company am coming..." He spoke and the rest was muffled and I heard Blake or Ben talking some more before everything went quiet again.

"So...what are you guys doing? You seem really busy...planning a party or something?" I chuckled again nervously because I could still feel the tension even through the phone.

"We are at the hospital Arnold." He spoke in an even tone. Well, better that than dad's cold mafia tone. My eyes widened.

"Why? Who is sick?" I asked cautiously.

"You haven't heard?" He asked and I panicked.

"Heard what Jacob?" I asked now on the edge of a panic attack. I hoped no one was hurt or worse....I heard more muffled voices before Jacob's voice sounded again..
"I have to go Arnold..have a nice day.." He spoke and hang up. I was too panicked to feel dejected. Just as I was about to text one of my siblings to ask what was going on, Barney rushed from the kitchen.

"Dude, you won't believe this....remember the car your boy left with yesterday?" He asked. I nodded already feeling cautious. "Well check out fox news..." He said handing me his phone and I froze as I read through the headlines.

Italian CEO's car crushes and falls down Getaway bridge. Miguel family flies to Australia.

Beneath the headline were pictures of the car that had crushed and had hit part of the bridge. It was crushed and it was definitely the car that Clarence was on. That was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

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