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I sat at the table across Chris and beside Daniel. This was not a good day for me. I hadn't slept at all. I had nightmares which I hadn't had in three years since i started taking my meds. I felt extremely nauseous that morning and it only took one look at breakfast before I threw up right next to the kitchen island. Though Michael stopped him, I could tell Chris had been edgy ever since. The shirt I was to wear for the dinner with the family that was coming somehow got a red stain on it. One I didnt recognize and that wasn't the end of it. I had a panic attack before lunch. I did not tell Michael or anyone but am pretty sure they suspected it since my gasps were not that silent. All in all I was grateful they did not ask about it.

Then I sat at the dining table. What Michael forgot to mention was that it wasn't just the DeLuca family that would grace us with their presents that night but also his parents. I did not have a problem with any of them honestly. I was just nervous to meet six people at once who looked extremely rich at once.

Trust me that wasn't the worst thing about the night or day. The worst thing was that the moment the youngest DeLuca entered the door, I couldn't stop staring at him. He was about my age. He had a nose piercing and a lip one. He was gorgeous and my gay ass couldn't stop drooling over him. He also had pretty long and blonde hair and I just wanted to talk to him, which I did . When I greeted him. It was hard not to notice the tension between him and Chris though. His name was Emery. I literally gave him all signs that I was interested but he just gave me a tight lipped smile. So I stopped trying, knowing how awkward I looked winking at someone who didn't spare me a second glance after greeting me. So the dinner went well, well for the first twenty minutes.

"Could you stop chewing so loud?" Emery glared at Chris. This made his older brother Kenneth chuckle.

"The last time I checked this is my house." Chris shot back annoyed. Emery rolled his eyes.

"You know you annoy the shit out of everyone, they just don't tell you!" He said annoyed. "Besides, you should stop being so childish,now there is clearly a new child in the family." Emery shot me a tired look as if I wasn't worth his time but I ignored it.

"You're the one to talk when your stepmother......" Chris stopped when Michael cut him off.

"Shut up Christopher!" He calmly stated.

"Am just stating facts, besides, I wasn't chewing loudly!" Chris complained.

"Such a baby,you'd think he would grow up after his first shot!" Emery slyly commented.

"Guys could we have dinner without both of you ruining it again?" Asked Kenneth.

"Tell this neanderthal beside me!" Emery sneered glaring daggers at Chris who seemed to snap. He took his orange juice and lunged it at Emery,soaking his white shirt and staining it orange in the process.

"You were saying something EMERY?" He questioned in a sweetly voice.

"What the fuc----"

"Emery language!" His father reprimanded as Emery calmly sighed and took the bowl of soup in front of him and pouring it on top of Chris' head. I winced, one because of the scream Chris let out and two because that soup was slightly hot and smelt of chicken. Cooked chicken. Poor Chris' hair. The table went silent. Honestly,so silent I was scared they had all turned to statues.

"You fucking piece of shit!" Chris growled as he threw the first punch that clearly landed on Emery's jaw.

Emery wasn't ready to loose that battle and he jumped on Chris laying punched where he could and Chris reciprocating. Then the worst happened, when Emery punched Chris again, blood shot out of his mouth and as if on impulse, I threw up, for the second time today. I felt disgusting, I looked beside the table where I had vomited and was grateful they didn't have a dog that would have been even more embarrassing if it started licking my vomit.

"Fucking stop Chris!" It was Michael's booming voice that made everyone stop and turn yo him. The whole table went silent as he let out a frustrated sign.

"What did I tell you about Arnold's triggers?" His voice was now dark, almost threatening. I could feel Chris tremble in fear and everyone at the table. The grandparents seemed to snap out of their trance and Miguel's mother rushed to get a cloth to clean my vomit making me feel guilty all over again. Then I registered Miguel's words. My triggers? I have triggers? What was he talking about?

"Its the damn fag's fault!" Chris defended and then the whole room went silent again but this time, it wasn't meant to be broken. Emery immediately stood up and without another word walked to the door and left. It did not take long for his family to follow. The table remained silent. No one dared to speak. So Chris used homophobic slurs, what if he figured out his father was..... I looked at him.

"Fag?" I broke the silence this time and though I was still dizzy from looking at blood, I was more angry. Chris sighed.

"Its just a word shut up!" He grumbled.

I turned to look at the quiet people on the table and my eyes landed on Michael before I let out a bitter chuckle.

"Just a word?" I chuckled bitterness lacing my tone." Michael, is that true? Just a word?" I looked at my father expecting him to defend people of the community he was part of even though he wasn't out yet. His eyes widened as he turned to me, probably not expecting to be dragged into this. I turned back to Chris.

"Kinda hypocritic to say that when your family member is gay don't you think?" I asked. Michael fidgeted in his seat nervously.

"Arnold that's enough...." He started but I stopped him when I stood up and looked Chris in the eye. He seemed shocked and so did everyone at the table.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Chris and Michael's gaze was almost begging me to keep quiet but I wouldn't out him. He didn't deserve that.

"Well its nice to know that you would call me fag if you got the chance, considering am gay too." I said and turned to walk away with out waiting for his reaction. I was so done with that day.

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