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"Well what are we waiting for? Clearly Jordan and Martha got to Jazzy before us." Said Jacob standing up and adjusting his cufflinks. It was surprising how he casually wore Armani suits like they were a pair of jeans and a T shirt.

"What do you expect us to do Jacob! We clearly don't have any more leads except that they went to America with MY son!!" Shouted Michael frustrated. Jacob's eyes widened.

"Well its surprising that now he is YOUR son and not ours!" He said getting annoyed.

"Well if you weren't too busy flirting with a flight teller maybe we would have gotten to Jazzy on time!" Michael scoffed.

"Funny you forgot that flight teller told you where your son was!" Jacob angrily shot back.

"Maybe you should just leave so that my family and I can take care of this without distractions!" Michael said and stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

Jacob was frustrated and angry. He sat at a nearby chair and let out a frustrated sigh. He caught his hand between his hands and let out a loud groan and sighed again. The six brothers stared at the man they had come to know and even consider a parent. Blake sat beside him.

"You know,he is just scared." He spoke calmly. Jacob looked up at him. His eyes were teary.

" I wasn't flirting with Malcolm! I only love one person and that is Michael!!! I have for more than two decades." He said letting the tears fall. This made the brothers' eyes widen.

"Two decades?" Asked Ben. Jacob's eyes widened.

"Oh er...we should get one of my jets ready so we can head to America as soon as possible." Said Jacob trying to change the topic. It seemed to have worked because the six brothers nodded and smiled.

"I'll go talk to dad." Said Dennis but Jacob refused.

"I'll talk to your dad, I need to reassure him he is the only man in my life." Said Jacob. Chris' eyes narrowed.

"What about women?" He asked. Everyone turned to him and stared him like he was the stupidest person on earth.

"Well, what about  women?" Asked Daniel sarcastically.

"I mean, he said dad is the only man in his life, are there women in his life?" Asked Chris. Cain nodded finally understanding his twin.

"Yeah...are there Jacob?" Asked Cain. Jacob smiled and narrowed his eyes playfully.

"That's papa for you Cain and...." He stopped when Blake told him he would explain to his brothers.

"Guys....when a guy is gay, he is only attracted to men...its in the whole package...Jacob is gay...so...." He stopped letting Chris and Cain finish.

"He is happy?"

"He only loves dad?"

Both Chris and Cain said at the same time. Everyone looked at Chris and shook their head.

"I told you not to drop him when he was a baby!" Ben said to Blake pointedly.

"I told you...it was an accident! I was four for God's sake!" Said Blake.

"Wait! Chris was dropped?" Asked Cain bewildered. This made Blake to glare at Ben who gave a sheepish grin.

"No he wasn't...Ben is just being a jerk!" Said Blake and they continued bickering. Jacob used the chance to leave the office and head straight to the master bedroom. He had been there more times than one and he knew it was like Michael's sanctuary when he was stressed. He knocked and entered when he did not get an answer. His lover lay on the bed sobbing while muffling his cries with a pillow. Jacob sighed and went to sit beside him in bed.

"Hey baby." He spoke calmly. Michael looked up, his eyes were puffy and red. Every time Jacob looked at him he could swear he got more beautiful.

"Am so sorry I said those mean stuff...am just scared I'll lose my youngest son again!" Michael said crying. Jacob kissed his forehead.

"I promise you my love, you won't. I have already told the airport to prepare my private jet and we could use the pilot you hired for the twins helicopter to take us to America. We can leave as soon as you are ready. After all, we know where they used to live in American, we could start searching from there." Said Jacob. Michael's eyes widened. He had not thought about that at all. Jacob was truly smart. He had not even thought about the home where Arnold used to live in in America.

He smiled fondly at his lover.

"Gosh am happy I fell in love with you. That's so smart we should leave in an hour to give the boys time to pack..." Said Michael.

"Yes my love...and while we wait we could...have a little fun don't you think?" Jacob nibbled on Michael's ear making the male tremble and moan.

In America, the Russian mafia consultants had found out that the Miguel's were onto them. Jordan was angry. He had to kill Arnold fast but he had fallen in love with the boy. The boy he had tortured for years. At the moment, Arnold was unconscious in the basement after another session of torture. Jordan sighed and stared at Martha.

"You do know the Italian mafia is greater than my mafia right?" He asked. Martha sighed and looked away.

"Listen, I did not think they cared about him this much! Maybe we should leave the country." Said Martha.

"With the boy again? Do you not think Michael has blocked every border by now?" Jordan said drumming his fingers on his desk.

"We kill him and leave him here." Said Martha decisively. Jordan stared at her shocked.

"What sort of Mother are you?" He asked. "Did you never love your children?" He asked. He was reconsidering Marrying Martha.

"I don't care what happens to him. All I can tell you is that if Michael gets to us he won't spare a single bone in our bodies. I know the man and his anger issues. Trust me, not even the law or your men will protect us from his wrath if he gets to us!" Said Martha afraid. Jordan sighed and looked at his documents.

"There is only one state we can be safe, he does not have companies or businesses there so his men can't be many there....we need to leave for Texas immediately." Said Jordan. "But we leave the kids here, Alive! Maybe he will have mercy on us if we don't finish off one of his mafia princes." Said Jordan picking up his phone to make calls. Martha nodded and went to pack their bags. Before she could leave however, Jordan stopped her.

"You should know you angered a demon when you decided to get Arnold back for the second time. I warned you." Said Jordan as Martha simply nodded and left.

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