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It did not take long for the Miguel family to get to America and get to the house where Arnold and Martha used to live in. Michael clearly remembered it, since it was the first time in years his son had called him to ask for help. They alighted the two SUVs and headed to the door. Back up men were waiting for a signal scattered across the neighborhood. Any false move from Martha or the Russian Don and Michael would make sure they die on spot,although his plan was to torture them in the chambers for a few months before handing them over to the police. Jacob calmly rang the doorbell but no one answered. Three rings later, Michael kicked the door open making it fall to the ground near the living room entrance.

There was a sense of deja vu after he did that. The day they found Arnold in a janitor's closet at school. It pained him that his son had to go through all that. It pained him more that he hadn't even executed justice on the person who locked his son in a closet, and here was another who had kidnapped his son.

They entered the house and it seemed pretty empty. They searched all the rooms. Upstairs, the first storey, everything...even the attic, but they found nothing. That is until Jacob called out to Michael from a sort of hidden door at the end of the hallway.

"Baby! I think its a basement." He said trying to break the door. Blake used a sort of iron to open it and they entered the dark room. Everyone's flashlights were on on their phones as they made their way to the bottom of the steps. Then they spotted him, their youngest brother! He lay naked and the only part of his body that was covered by a thin bloody sheet was his private parts. His eyes were closed and his body was covered with marks and blood and stabs. The family saw daggers littering the floor and even guns. The tattered clothes next to the boy on the floor showed he hadn't been wearing them for a while, they didn't have blood, they were just torn. His lips were busted and blood was flowing from his nose too. He looked frail and lost and they all knew he was unconscious.

Michael rushed to his son and pulled him into a hug. He wanted to be assured that that was definitely Arnold and he was alive. Jacob did not hesitate to call the back up mafia paramedics they had brought along just in case. In less than five minutes, doctors rushed into the tiny basement and Arnold was being attended to. Pain meds were administered and his cuts were stitched up. The paramedics couldn't do much so they only made him unconscious till they could get to a real hospital. Arnold's wounds were covered and he was covered completely. Michael made Leni clear up a private room where Arnold would be treated in a nearby fancy hospital. In an hour, the boy was in a special ward room in the US undergoing some tests.

Michael wanted him to be treated in Italy but the doctors said that could only happen when his vitals were stable, so they were back to staying in their American mansion first a few days.

Jace couldn't wait any longer in Italy and traveled to America on the third day of Arnold being admitted. He refused to leave the lobby outside Arnold's room, he even refused to eat. He didn't see a need to eat when his lover was barely alive in a ward room, so he said. No one argued with him though, they all saw how worried he was. The deep black bags beneath his eyes and how wrinkles had began to form on his forehead Was a clear indication.

Jace wasn't alone though, Cain spent as much time as he could looking for get well soon cards and stuffed animals bringing them to Arnold's bedside. He couldn't sleep, he was still blaming himself for what had happened. He had to see a therapist daily but he still always stayed by Arnold's bedside.

Michael couldn't stop his anger from flaring anytime he was frustrated. He yelled and ignored Jacob but Jacob understood what he was going through. He was the anchor of their relationship. The other brothers all had their ways of coping with whatever was happening.

Cain's guilt only got worse when the doctor told them the damage that Arnold had undergone, if anything, he was the strongest person they knew for still being alive. Three weeks of Arnold still being unconscious, Jace was finally let you see him, apart from family. He broke down immediately when he saw the innocent and beaten lady on the hospital bed connected to machine and his chest rising and falling slowly, the only indication he was still with them.

Jace sat beside the bed and held Arnold's hand. He just sat there crying and feeling lost. When he could finally speak, all he could say was that he was sorry and how much he loved Arnold. He begged him to wake up and forgive him, to take him back though he was sure Arnold had moved on, after all, Arnold was just as handsome as Michael Miguel, a true copy of his father, in strength and in beauty.

The mafia men were still searching for Martha and Jordan since Michael wouldn't rest until he hurt them the way they had hurt him. They had escaped the state,that much they knew because they were nowhere to be found in that state.  Michael was getting leads so he knew they were close to finding them.

Two months later, when the Miguels were having a family dinner with Jace, Michael received a call. They had bonded well with Clarence, even started calling him his real name. The family loved his geeky jokes and how much he cared for Arnold. The family was praying daily, with the help of Cains girlfriend who had introduced them to God and prayer. She always face timed every night so they could pray together. It was a new culture but they had to try it, they needed Arnold to wake up. Though they still seemed happy, they still felt like one of them was missing and they knew Arnold was the missing part. Michael glanced at the caller ID and his heart started beating fast. The doctors had said they were not sure if Arnold would make it due to his internal injuries, he hoped that was not the news the hospital was calling to tell him. He wanted his family complete,not Brocken. He shakily pressed the answer button and waited for the caller to speak.

"Mr Miguel, your son is awake!" The feminine voice spoke on the other end, clearly happy for the family that had spent two months in the hallways of the hospital.

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