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Blake's POV

We all sat at the waiting room in the private ward of our mafia hospital. None of us knew what to say, that was for sure. Tears flooded down dad's face and it was my duty as the eldest son to make sure no one entered this side of the building or saw my dad crying. Only three doctors were allowed to attend to my youngest brother and two nurses. Jace was being attended to by other doctors in another section but Arnold was special, he couldn't be treated just anywhere. We all panicked when he blacked out at the charity gala. The whole event ended right then but dad didn't care, his main concern was his last born child.

I remember when he kept whimpering in the back seat like he was in utter pain. I remember the dread that filled me. The pain I felt when I realized that Arnold was putting up a facade. I knew it was too good to be true. I always wondered how he healed from so many years of trauma in just a month or less. How he looked OK when with us but he still wasn't. Our rooms were sound proof, maybe we just never heard him scream in his sleep because of that. I remembered how Daniel cried so bad I had to soothe him and make him fall asleep. When he woke up he was still shaken, still wanting to know how Arnold was doing. Dennis wasn't OK after seeing his twin breakdown, but I knew his poker face was just another facade to pretend he was strong. Chris hadn't looked anyone in the eye and when I saw Cain hugging him close in the far corner bench, I knew all my siblings were not okay. Ben didn't speak a word but I could tell he was tensed. I could feel it, am his twin after all, I held his hand and squeezed it to reassure him and he just gave me a tight lipped smile and leaned on my shoulder. I was worried about dad though, no one could comfort him so I called his best friend, Leni and told him the situation. It did not take more that twenty minutes for Leni to arrive in the hospital but he didn't come alone. The man he came with immediately rushed to dads crying form and wrapped him in a soothing hug and kissed his hair but we were all too engrossed in our thoughts to question it. I heard him whispering sweet nothings to dad and telling him everything would be fine. I hadn't seen him before and judging from how close he seemed to be with dad,I wondered why. Uncle Leni stood at a distance leaning on the wall with his wife beside him, looking as distraught as we all were.

All facades however were thrown in the trash when one of the doctors came out of Arnold's ward room and requested to speak to us. Since Uncle Leni and his wife were considered family to us, they also came to listen. The man with dad did not seem like he would let him go any time soon and since my dad's sobs had stopped, I assumed he was a close person to dad so he also led dad near the doctor to listen with us.

"He is getting treatment and is doing considerably better but there are somethings I would like to discuss with the adults." He spoke. This time Chris growled.

"Just say it, we are all past eighteen here! And he is our youngest brother so spit it out before I place a bullet between your eyes!" Chris said annoyed. Judging by the doctor's look, he was terrified, everyone knew Miguels didn't joke around, they could kill you in a blink of an eye.

"Sorry sir...its just that....we have been doing tests to determine what exactly caused Mr Arnold to go unconscious and we found out some  heartbreaking news. His anal hole was split and had started having an infection, we didn't know why that could be so, we conducted some other tests and realized he had been sexually assaulted, not just once but many times. He also seems to be showing signs of PTSD and has numerous dagger scars all over his body. He didn't have enough blood in his body and so we had to call on the hospital blood bank." He explained and that was when everything seemed to happed in slow motion. Sexually assaulted? My brother was raped? Chris looked shocked and Cain hugged him tighter, I knew they needed each others comfort right now. Daniel clutched on Dennis even tighter as he sobbed but I knew even Dennis was sobbing. They all were, even Chris and Cain. I turned to look at Ben just to notice he wasn't by my side. Ben never cried but when I saw his hands aggressively wiping his eyes, I knew that all hell had Brocken loose. That was when I realized a warm liquid flowing down my face and I fell on my knees as a nerve wrecking sob tore through me. Ben rushed to me and wrapped me in a tight embrace as he started calming me down. I always knew he was the stronger twin. I turned to see dad, crying fully as he clutched the new guy's black shirt. Judging from his sobs, I bet the shirt was now soaked in dad's tears and it was then that I realized just how much we all want to make Martha pay, and she would. Her and everyone who laid a hand on Arnold. I took my time to look at the man dad was clutching.

He was quite good looking, too good looking actually. He had deep blue eyes and a perfect nose. His lips were pink and full, clearly tempting even though I am straight. He had toned abs that easily showed in his now soaked black shirt and the shirt seemed like if he hugged dad any tighter, it would certainly rip, that's how built he was. Even more built than dad. He had blonde hair that he had tied to a man bun and damn did he look attractive. His jeans hugged his thighs perfectly and he wore Jordans. He seemed a master of fashion and action. The way he kept kissing dad's hair and forehead made me so curious. Uncle Leni was soothing his wife who was more like a mother to us growing up than even Martha. She was once Martha's best friend till they fell off.

I returned my gaze to my father who was an inch or two shorter than the attractive man. Just as attractive as dad but I didn't get to question my assumptions for long.

"Baby, its gonna be OK, am right here with you, please stop crying baby please." He pleaded and judging from how no one reacted not Even Ben, it seemed I was the only one who heard it,and dad of course. He wasn't just an attractive man or friend. That man was my father's lover!

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