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Its safe to say, dad was beyond enthralled that one of his sons found his passion and went ahead to start the process of building it. Everyone was so excited for the opening ceremony of Dennis's Tattoo studio, The Red Emerald. Turns out the tattoo studio was on the first storey while the bar was at the bottom floor. We were all so excited for the opening and Michael once again went overboard in decorations. Top partners of their businesses were invited by both Ben and Blake and the rest of the siblings invited friends. I invited Liza since apparently, Blake never got her number and he begged me to invite her to the party. I was OK with it though, Liza was 21 and free to make her own decisions and she chose Blake who was worth it so I was OK with it.

Ben however, did not stop complaining about how Blake wasn't spending any of his time with him. He kept saying Blake was rubbing it in his face that he didn't have a girlfriend which I thought was weird because Blake wasn't even dating Liza yet and his twin was already jealous!

"Why did you not invite Karen?" I asked. He flushed pink and turned away.

"She had to work." He said still bright pink. I chuckled. I had already planned with Chris to set Ben up with Karen later that day.

"Then suck it up and go talk to your business colleagues. " I laughed and Ben gave me a fake glare as he walked away to where dad and Jacob stood greeting people. Is at at a nearby bench. This place was awesome, I couldn't deny that. Just then Stephanie sat beside me and I inwardly groaned.

"Hey." She said in a soft kind voice I almost did a double check to make sure it was her. I nodded.

"Hi Stephanie." I said. She smiled at me remembering her name.

"Listen Stephanie, in case you haven't realized yet, am gay..." She nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, Chris sort of told me to back off at the gala. I actually just wanted Daniel to notice me if am being honest." She said and I turned to her shocked.

"Huh?" I questioned. She seemed nervous as she looked at the ground.

"I have a crush on Daniel but he never notices me, I thought he would if he saw me with his small brother." She said. I swallowed the lump on my throat when she mentioned using me and sighed.

"I think he has a girlfriend." I stated softly pitying Stephanie. She nodded.

"Yeah, my cousin Stacey, she is such a backstabber." She glared at the floor. I did not know that but I still listened.

"Why do you say that?" I asked. She looked at me her eyes filled with tears.

"I saw Daniel first, I asked her to help me get him and boom! Two days later they are the newest mafia couple." She spoke with so much anger and frustration I felt bad.

"But Daniel dates her because he likes her right?" I asked. She nodded looking crestfallen.
"Yeah, he doesn't know the bitch is cheating him though." She said annoyed as if she wanted to pull out her hair. My eyes widened.

"What? Why didn't you tell him?" I asked. She looked at me like I was stupid.

"He didn't believe me, I mean he said I just want you ruin their relationship, I don't know why he suddenly hates me so much." A stray tear escaped her eyes as she choked out a sob and I felt so bad for her.

"Do you know with who?" I asked. She turned to me.

"Who what?" She questioned confused.

"Do you know who she is cheating with?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah duh! The biggest player around here, Jeremy Trent." She said and my heart fell. I stared at her wide eyed.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded and looked at me curious.

"You know him? I heard he is dating Jace, he will just leave the poor kid heartbroken when this mind games of his come out." She said. Yeah I knew Jeremy quite well, he was a closeted gay who played around with girls.

"Well then I'll help you." I stated confident. Maybe I could save Jace from heartbreak.

"Help me with what?" I groaned. Sheesh was she supposed to not follow what am saying?

"With getting evidence of Stacey cheating with Jeremy." I said confidently. She chuckled.

"That's easy, Tony will help us." She said. I was now the confused one. She saw it in my face and smiled. "He used to be Jeremy's best friend before his boyfriend cheated on him with Jeremy." She said. I nodded as she turned around and motioned for a guy to come to where we were.

The guy was hot, that was my first thought. My second thought was why would a guy wear green to a tattoo shop opening? He smiled at me, his brown eyes glimmering as he nodded to acknowledge me.

"Tony, this is Arnold, Arnold this is Tony." Stephanie introduced and I gave a slight wave which Tony returned and sat beside me. "He wants to help us catch Stacey cheating with Jeremy." Said Stephanie. Tony nodded.

"I can hack into his phone." He stated calmly. I turned to him and Stephanie nodded impressed.

"He went to coding school with Jace." She said. We planned on how to do it and turns out Tony was a pretty cool guy and soon, Stephanie, Tony and I were very close friends. Tony even asked me to bring him for a tattoo soon and I agreed. After our plan was set and I had given Tony Daniel's number, my family decided we should go eat lunch. My plan with Chris went well as I suggested the place where Karen worked. The food was delicious and behind our check, I wrote Ben's number and told her Ben wanted her to have it. She squealed in excitement as if she had been waiting her whole life for that piece of paper and promised to call him. At least that was one mission accomplished.

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