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"do you want to go to the beach, kwan-ah?"

seungkwan should've said no to wonwoo. it was late at night, and they all had work the next day. it was also a known fact that it gets colder the closer you are to water. seungkwan was just fine sitting in the warmth of mingyu's apartment. his best friend's apartment also had snacks, all of the snacks you could imagine that could warm up seungkwan in a way a traditional heater couldn't. he just wanted to relax with his closest friends and watch bad movies for the rest of the night.

and yet, he found himself at the beach that night. as expected, it was cold. but he didn't feel cold. he was laid out on his stomach on top of a blanket that wonwoo brought from mingyu's apartment, and wonwoo was resting his back on the blanket with his head on seungkwan's thighs. mingyu was on his back next to seungkwan, staring up at the stars as he rested his legs on wonwoo's thighs. the three of them were huddled close, laying in silence as they listened to the comforting hum of the waves and the breeze blowing past them.

seungkwan didn't regret his choice. and while he would occasionally have to huddle close to mingyu when a particularly cold breeze brushed his skin, he still didn't regret his decision.

seungkwan let out a soft breath as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, trying to find some relaxing music to fit the mood. he smiled brightly as he played the perfect song but frowned as he soon realized the waves and the wind was blocking the sound coming from his phone speakers. he pouted as he dropped his phone down onto the sand, ignoring his friends' chuckles at his expense.

seungkwan saw no other choice than to hum silently, leaning his head onto mingyu's shoulder as he stared out into the water. mingyu sighed in content as he leaned his head onto seungkwan's head, smiling down at the younger boy in admiration as he listened to the boy hum along to the tune still playing on his phone.

"the stars look so pretty tonight." wonwoo murmured softly, digging his hand into the sand as he smiled up at the sky.

mingyu chuckled as he looked up slightly at wonwoo, smiling cheekily as he said, "is this the part where i say you're prettier than the stars?"

wonwoo groaned loudly, reaching over to smack mingyu in the stomach as he whined, "yes, it is, you dummy!"

seungkwan stopped humming, ignoring their loud bickering as he whispered, "you're prettier than the stars." he twirled his finger into the sand with a soft frown on his face.

seungkwan liked wonwoo. it felt like he's liked him his entire life. but it was, in fact, only a few years. basically as long as they've been friends. he figured wonwoo didn't feel the same way, seeing that the older boy didn't give him any signs. well, he's given some, but seungkwan was sure he was just reading into things. 

saying wonwoo was prettier than the stars was nothing compared to what seungkwan actually felt for him.

so when seungkwan hears wonwoo chuckle and pat his back, he says nothing. he does nothing as wonwoo says, "thank you, kwan-ah! see, mingyu, he knows how to compliment me!" he just stares ahead at the water as he hears his two best friends begin to bicker again. he starts to hum softly again as he focuses on the waves crashing onto the shore.

the two bickering boys eventually settle back into their spots, falling into a comfortable silence as they relaxed onto the blanket. seungkwan continued to hum, smiling as he felt mingyu reach over and play with his hair. the older boy did that often, and seungkwan enjoyed it every time. he sighed in content as he rested his chin down onto his hands.

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