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seungkwan was unsure of what to do next. how does one proceed in this situation? you know, the situation in which your best friends you know you have feelings for had sex the previous night, and you spent the entire time crying outside in the balcony. because this was a normal, every day occurrence.

this is a universal experience, right?

there was so much to say, so much to do. there was so much going on in seungkwan's mind, but he just bit his tongue. he held back even though all he wanted to do in the moment was run all the way back home.

but no. first, he had to have breakfast with his friends.

there were some things their friends just didn't talk about: certain relatives, previous flings (with each other, because a friend group of that size was bound to have flings), things they said to each other years ago that still stung a little, and all of the times they had previous arguments over stupid things.

things they did talk about, however, were each others' sex lives. as one would imagine, thirteen attractive men in their mid-twenties would be... active, and this always resulted in spilling details to each other that most would be horrified to hear over brunch. not these guys. no, they got into the nitty gritty most times, laughing over mimosas and french toast.

but this was the first time there was a couple within their group. and while everything felt new and exciting for wonwoo and mingyu, the feeling was spread out through the group. all of their friends waited with bated breath every sunday morning, hoping that one of them would mention if they had slept together or not. their weekly friend brunch/sex discussion was something all of their friends looked forward to, and that sunday, they would finally get the news they waited for. what a strange group of friends.

this was probably the worst morning of seungkwan's life.

it started off normal. the five boys in the hotel room woke up to jeonghan blowing up their phones, telling them it was time to get ready for their weekly sunday brunch. it was a tradition that was started a few years ago once they all became really busy with work and their adult lives in an attempt to try to meet up as regularly as possible.

seungkwan remembered when these sunday morning brunches weren't a regular occurrence. it dated back six years ago, before he befriended wonwoo and mingyu. seungkwan had a few friends: soonyoung, seokmin, chan, and myungho. when the trio became friends, they thought it would be a good idea to combine their friend groups. they all miraculously got along and have been very close friends ever since.

and seungkwan loved his friends; he really did. some days, he wondered if his feelings for wonwoo and mingyu were too obvious, too transparent. but, as chan leaned over the table and recalled the events of last night, he knew his friends didn't know. if seungkwan's friends knew his feelings, there was no way they would have spent so long goading the couple in front of him as they did.

seungkwan was silently chewing on his toast when mingyu asked chan why the youngest was glaring at him. the second seungkwan heard the indignant scoff come out of chan, he dropped his fork and knife onto the plate. he knew what was about to happen, and yet he didn't have enough time to brace himself.

chan pointed a finger at mingyu and wonwoo as he shouted, "you know what you two did!" at them, attracting the attention of their friends. all conversations halted to an immediate stop as they looked between the three boys.

mingyu and wonwoo instantly froze, the oldest chuckling quietly as his eyes darted around and he said, "w-what do you mean, channie?"

chan slammed his hand down on the table, startling his older friends as he said in a hushed whisper, not wanting to bother the other patrons as he said, "don't you what do you mean channie me! you and your boyfriend were fucking last night and we all heard you!"

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